Dezyne Reference Manual

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This document describes Dezyne version 2.18.3.

Table of Contents

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1 Introduction

Dezyne is a programming language and a set of tools to specify, validate, verify, simulate, document, and implement concurrent control software for embedded and cyber-physical systems.

Dezyne incorporates both model based as well as component based development. It enables an incremental and collaborative approach to complex system development by using a novel way of design by contract. The Dezyne language allows defining not just the structure, but equally the detailed behavior of a software system using a C like syntax. Its rigorous notation enables automatically creating both abstract and detailed diagrams consistent with both the structure and the behavior.

The Dezyne language has formal semantics expressed in mCRL2 developed at the department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE). Dezyne requires that every model is finite, deterministic and free of deadlocks, livelocks, and contract violations. This is achieved by means of the language itself as well as by builtin verification through model checking. This allows the construction of complex systems by assembling independently verified components.

What Dezyne sets apart from other programming languages is the fact that it treats the language primitives of the message passing programming model as first class citizens.

Dezyne is Free Software. Everyone is encouraged to share this software with others under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 or later (see AGPL3+). Fundamentally, the Affero General Public License is a license which says that you have these freedoms and that you cannot take these freedoms away from anyone else.

If you find Dezyne useful, please let us know. We are always interested to find out how Dezyne is being used.

You are also encouraged to help make Dezyne more useful by writing and contributing additional functions for it, and by reporting any problems you may have, (See Contributing).

1.1 Purpose

The main purpose of Dezyne is to systematically support the development and evolution of programs for which the validity is determined by their detailed behavior under operational conditions (E-type programs 1). These are also the type of program which change the most and are most negatively affected by that change.

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1.2 Conditions for Using Dezyne

The distribution terms for Dezyne-generated code permit using the code in free software programs as well as in non-free or proprietary programs: The Dezyne code generator transpiles the user’s Dezyne program into a program in the target language, e.g., C++, making the resulting C++ program a derivative work of the user’s Dezyne code, inheriting its copyright and–if applicable, licensing terms.

The Dezyne runtime is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (see LGPL3+), which means that it can be freely and unconditionally used in unmodified form, also if you are creating a non-free or proprietary software. If you modify the Dezyne runtime code that you distribute with your program, one condition applies: The modifications must be made available.

Note: Dezyne comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

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2 Ideas and Concepts

Dezyne aspires to evolve into a general-purpose operating-system language. The operating-system qualification refers to programs that are stateful, highly concurrent, long-lived, resilient, and exceptionally reliable. In contrast, short lived programs or programs that can be completely written in a pure functional way are not the primary target of Dezyne. By bringing mathematics and computer engineering together we hope to foster the creation and evolution of verified “operating system”2 like applications.

The syntax of Dezyne may feel pretty familiar. The semantics is quite distinct from most other languages. Simply put Dezyne is the super position of a process calculus onto a general purpose language. As a result it adds new levels of organizational structure to the concept of a general purpose programming language.

2.1 Concurrency

Dezyne is based on a message passing programming model. Messages are explicitly represented in the language and expressed in the underlying process algebra. The approach allows reasoning about equivalences which in turn is used in verification and allows compositions to retain their individually verified properties.

Message passing is a natural way of describing concurrency, from cooperative multitasking to multi threading and multi processing. It abstracts away from cumbersome primitives like semaphores, mutexes, condition variables, critical sections, etc. It also removes the passing of time completely and focuses our reasoning on the ordering of messages. Which allows combining synchronous and asynchronous activity in a single formalism.

Multi tasking vs parallelism.

2.2 Component Based

In Dezyne programs are divided into components by means of formal interfaces isolating the components from their surroundings. Components are composed into systems by connecting their ports. Communication across port must follow the behavior as defined by their respective interfaces. An interface behavior describes the message exchange between the components on either side of the interface that separates them. A component behavior defines the interactions in terms of the messages exchanged across all of the component ports.

Message or event maps onto a function call.

2.3 Model Based

Dezyne is for applications where one encounters the problems that the operating system does not solve.

As Dezyne is typically used to operate an abstract machine, usually real world identities are represented. They are identified by name and their interaction with their environment is captured as a behavior. A behavior is the observable interaction in terms of message exchange. Interface models and component models both define behaviors.

2.4 Design by Contract

Regular lanuages have more or less support for design by contract. In C one can assert pre and post conditions. In design there is more support for this...

As interface behaviors prescribe an interaction protocol, they provide a convenient and compact way to define contracts. A contract lists both expectations and obligations. Components in turn are a convenient and compact way to implement such contracts using other sub contractors. Components distinguish two levels of hierarchy in their interface contracts: The interfaces they provide and the interfaces they require. The essential difference between the two is that an interface which is provided must be completely implemented. While an interface that is required may or may not be used completely.

2.5 Managing Complexity

The single biggest challenge, when programming at scale, is managing complexity. What do we mean by complexity? The literal meaning is derived from weaving together. In programming it refers to the resulting behavior that emerges from combined interaction. As the number of parts and their dependencies increase, the resulting behavior increases exponentially and very soon it reaches the point where it is no longer humanly possible to know and understand it. As a result making changes will inadvertently lead to unknowingly interfering with those interactions and defects are introduced. With increasing complexity existing techniques, methods and paradigms no longer suffice to enable the programmer to adequately manage it. Dezyne offers both encapsulation as well as abstraction of interaction. Interaction which is unencapsulated in other paradigms. By encapsulating and abstract Dezyne manages complexity.

3 Installation

To build the Dezyne command line tools from the source tarball, you need to install some dependencies, see the section below. When you plan on contributing to Dezyne you will probably want to build from Git which has additional requirerments (see Contributing).

3.1 Requirements

This section lists requirements when building Dezyne from source. The build procedure for Dezyne is the same as for GNU software, and is not covered here. Please see the files README and INSTALL in the Dezyne source tree for additional details.

Dezyne is available for download from its website at

Dezyne depends on the following packages:

Optionally, for C++11

  • boost, for using co-operatibbve co-routines instead of threads.

To use the code that is generated by Dezyne, which includes running the regression test:

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4 Getting Started

In general a program in Dezyne consists of interfaces, components, and “handwritten” code, including a main. For simple cases such as the examples in this chapter, a generic main can be generated and no handwritten code is needed.

The examples used in this chapter can be found in the Dezyne source tree at doc/examples/ or downloaded from doc/examples/ in git.

4.1 Hello World!

Consider the trivial Dezyne interface ihello_world

interface ihello_world
  in void hello ();
  out void world ();

    on hello: world;

It defines two events, named hello and world of type void and a trivial protocol in its behavior: whenever the hello trigger is received (on hello:), it responds synchronously with a world action.

This scenario can be explored using the simulator (See Invoking dzn simulate):

$ dzn simulate doc/examples/ihello-world.dzn
(header ((client) ihello_world provides) ((sut) ihello_world interface))
(state ((client)) ((sut)))
labels: hello
eligible: hello

As expected, hello is the only trigger that is eligible to execute; entering hello gives

> hello
<external>.hello -> ...
... -> sut.hello
... <-
<external>.world <- ...
... <- sut.return
<external>.return <- ...
(state ((client)) ((sut)))
(trail "hello" "world" "return")
labels: hello
eligible: hello

The simulator can also be run non-interactively to produce a friendlier trace view or sequence diagram

client          ihello_world
  .                  :
  .                  :
  .hello             :
  .                  :
  .             world:
  .                  :
  .            return:

Now consider a trivial component hello_world

import ihello-world.dzn;

component hello_world
  provides ihello_world p;

    on p.hello (): ();

it provides the ihello_world interface, which means that it promises to behave according to the protocol specified in the interface.

The trigger p.hello is the event hello when communicated over the port p, similarly the action is named Simulation gives:

$ dzn simulate --trail=p.hello doc/examples/hello-world.dzn
(header ((p) ihello_world provides) ((sut) hello_world component))
(state ((p)) ((sut)))
<external>.p.hello -> ...
... -> sut.p.hello
... <-
<external> <- ...
... <- sut.p.return
<external>.p.return <- ...
(state ((p)) ((sut)))
(trail "p.hello" "" "p.return")
(state ((p)) ((sut)))
(labels "p.hello")
(eligible "p.hello")

with this trace diagram

p          hello_world
.               :
.               :
.hello          :
.               :
.          world:
.               :
.         return:

From this component an executable program can be created (See Invoking dzn code)

$ dzn code doc/examples/ihello-world.dzn
$ dzn code --model=hello_world doc/examples/hello-world.dzn
$ g++ -ldzn-c++

When running this executable and feeding it the trail, we get

echo -e 'p.hello\\np.return' | ./a.out
<external>.p.hello -> sut.p.hello
<external> <-
<external>.p.return <- sut.p.return

4.2 A Simple State Machine

The ihello_bool interface introduces stateful behavior that is somewhat more interesting

interface ihello_bool
  in void hello ();
  in bool cruel ();
  out void world ();

    bool idle = true;
    [idle] on hello: idle = false;
        on cruel: {idle = true; reply (idle);}
        on cruel: reply (idle);
        on inevitable: {world; idle = true;}

This example introduces some new language aspects

bool idle = true;

A boolean state variable, defining idle=true as the initial state,


A guard. Only when the expression between the brackets evaluates to true the on is eligible to execute. In the initial state, the hello trigger is the only thing that can occur. The guard and the on are declarative statements. After the declarative statements follows a,

idle = false;

An imperative statement. When hello trigger occurs, the interface transitions to state !idle,

on cruel: … on cruel: …

A non-deterministic choice3. In the !idle state, cruel is accepted; it can either...

reply (true)

reply false and remain not idle, or

{idle = true; reply (idle);}

execute a compound of two imperative statements: Set the reply value to true and transition to the idle state,


If no cruel trigger occurs, inevitably the world action will occur. inevitable is a modeling event and is not visible on the trail. The effect is that world action now has become decoupled from the caller.

The state diagram (See Invoking dzn graph) depicts this protocol graphically:


This model is already interesting enough to have the mCRL2 model-checker verify if all is well (See Invoking dzn verify and See Verification Checks and Errors)

$ dzn -v verify doc/examples/ihello-bool.dzn
verify: ihello_bool: check: deadlock: ok
verify: ihello_bool: check: unreachable: ok
verify: ihello_bool: check: livelock: ok
verify: ihello_bool: check: deterministic: ok

which is luckily the case. The model-checker can also be used to generate all possible4 traces (See Invoking dzn traces) for ihello_bool:

$ dzn -v traces doc/examples/ihello-bool.dzn

produces three trace files (ihello_bool.trace.0,ihello_bool.trace.1, and ihello_bool.trace.2) with these traces (the order may differ):

  1. hello,return,world
  2. hello,return,cruel,true
  3. hello,return,cruel,false

The sequence for the first trace with the asynchronous world looks like this

client          ihello_bool
  .                  :
  .                  :
  .hello             :
  .                  :
  .            return:
  .                  :
  .                  :
  .             world:

and for the second trace where cruel happens looks like this

client          ihello_bool
  .                  :
  .                  :
  .hello             :
  .                  :
  .            return:
  .                  :
  .                  :
  .cruel             :
  .                  :
  .              true:

the third trace is looks like this

client          ihello_bool
  .                  :
  .                  :
  .hello             :
  .                  :
  .            return:
  .                  :
  .                  :
  .cruel             :
  .                  :
  .             false:

You may have noticed that the first two traces start and end in the initial state, while the third trace starts in the initial state and ends in the !idle state (also see the corresponding state diagram).

Now have a look at the component simple_state_machine

import ihello-bool.dzn;

interface iworld
  in void hello ();
  out void world ();
    on hello: {}
    on hello: world;

component simple_state_machine
  provides ihello_bool p;
  requires ihello_bool r1;
  requires iworld r2;
    enum status {A, B, C};
    status s = status.A;
      on p.hello (): {s=status.B; r2.hello (); r1.hello ();}
      on p.cruel (): {if (r1.cruel ()) s=status.A; reply (s.A);}
      on (): s=status.C;
    [s.B || s.C] on (): {s=status.A; ();}
    [s.C] on p.cruel (): reply (s.A);

It introduces the following concepts:

enum status {A, B, C}

User defined enum type named status,


Field test of enum variable s: evaluates to true if s has field value A, it is equivalent to s == status.A,

[s.B || s.C]

Logical or || in guard expression (see See Expressions),

on (): {}

A skip statement: upon receiving the trigger, the component does “nothing” and is ready for the next event. Omitting this line would make the occurrence of illegal.


Verification suceeds

$ dzn -v verify doc/examples/simple-state-machine.dzn
verify: ihello_bool: check: deadlock: ok
verify: ihello_bool: check: unreachable: ok
verify: ihello_bool: check: livelock: ok
verify: ihello_bool: check: deterministic: ok
verify: iworld: check: deadlock: ok
verify: iworld: check: unreachable: ok
verify: iworld: check: livelock: ok
verify: iworld: check: deterministic: ok
verify: simple_state_machine: check: deterministic: ok
verify: simple_state_machine: check: illegal: ok
verify: simple_state_machine: check: deadlock: ok
verify: simple_state_machine: check: unreachable: ok
verify: simple_state_machine: check: livelock: ok
verify: simple_state_machine: check: compliance: ok

you may want to see what happens to verification or the state diagram when you comment-out a statement of your choosing in the component’s behavior.

4.3 A Camera Example

The Camera example introduces the system component (See Systems). The system diagram (See Invoking dzn graph) looks like this:


This is what the Camera system looks like in Dezyne:

component Camera
  provides IControl control;

    Driver driver;
    Acquisition acquisition;
    Optics optics;

    control <=> driver.control;
    driver.acquisition <=> acquisition.port;
    driver.optics <=> optics.port;

It introduces the following concepts:

provides IControl control;

Similar to a regular component, it defines ports,


The system specification defines instances of components and their bindings,

Driver driver;

A component instance named driver of type Driver,

Acquisition acquisition;

A component instance named acquisition of type Acquisition, which is a system component itself,

Optics optics;

An instance of another system component,

control <=> driver.control;

A binding of the Camera’s port control to the port named control of the driver instance.

driver.acquisition <=> acquisition.port;

A binding between pairs of ports on component instances.

The light blue components in the system view, such as lens are foreign components (See Components); their definition looks like this:

component Lens
  provides ILens port;

A foreign component does not specify any implementation: neither a behavior nor a system; its behavior is said to be implementation elsewhere, and in a foreign language (in this case C++).

The full example is contained in the source tree at test/all/Camera/Camera.dzn or Camera.dzn.

The simplified5 state diagram:


4.4 The Lego Ball Sorter

The Lego Ball Sorter example demonstrates how Dezyne can be used to write the operating system for a machine. The system view is already somewhat overwhelming:


so it makes more sense to look at smaller parts of the system, such as the MaterialHandler:


The full example is contained in the source tree at
test/all/LegoBallSorter/LegoBallSorter.dzn or

5 Execution Semantics

The semantics of Dezyne derives from implementing message passing as component based ineraction by means of non-reentrant recursive function invocation. The occurrence of an event is mapped onto a (class-member) function call. Every event function implements the recursive procedural execution of all of the side effects, e.g.: actions (event function invocations(, state updates (assignments), and runtime library interactions: tracing, queueing, flushing and context switching (blocking and unblocking).

For each in-event all action statements are executed depth-first. Each out-event is stored in the event queue of the recipient. After the completion of all on imperative statements, just before control is passed back to the caller, a component will flush its own queue of pending out events. If a component was the recipient of an out-event while it was not executing any events, it will also be requested to flush its queue by the sender of the event.

The execution semantics of Dezyne are illustrated using different model examples and their corresponding sequence diagrams. When interpreting the models and their corresponding event sequence traces, keep in mind that the statements of an event are executed atomically in the context of the behavior that implements the event.

When interpreting the event sequence traces remember the following:

  1. in-events are executed from left to right and return right to left.
  2. out-events are executed from right to left; each event is queued before it is flushed and executed.

In the naming of the different examples the terms direct and indirect are used to indicate that execution respectively continues in the same direction of the initial event, or changes direction at least once.

Note: The behavior of every component example in this chapter has been verified to comply with the behavior of all of its interfaces.

5.1 Direct in event

A provides port in-event (p.a) call resulting in a requires port in-event (r.a) is implemented as a function calling another function.

interface I
 in void a ();
   on a: {}

component direct_in
  provides I p;
  requires I r;
    on p.a (): r.a ();

5.2 Direct out event

A requires port out-event (r.a) resulting in a provides port out-event (p.a) is implemented as a function posting an event in the component queue followed by a call to flush the queue.

interface I
  out void a ();
    on inevitable: a;

component direct_out
  provides I p;
  requires I r;
    on r.a (): p.a ();

5.3 Direct multiple out events

A requires port inevitably triggering multiple out-events (r.a, r.b) is implemented as one function call for each out-event posting in the component queue, followed by a single flush call to trigger component processing of the events. The below 2 versions of the component are indistinguishable looking from the outside.

Notice that the interface declares that a and b are executed atomically. While in the behavior of the component each event is handled or forwarded independently. However to an observer of the provides interface of the component a and b are again executed atomically.

interface I
  out void a ();
  out void b ();
    on inevitable: {a; b;}

component direct_multiple_out1
  provides I p;
  requires I r;
    on r.a (): p.a ();
    on r.b (): p.b ();
import direct_multiple_out.dzn;

component direct_multiple_out2
  provides I p;
  requires I r;
    on r.a (): {}
    on r.b (): {p.a (); p.b ();}

The third variant is left as an exercise to the reader.

5.4 Indirect in event

A requires port in-event (r.a) call resulting in a requires port out-event (r.b).

interface U
  out void unused ();
    on inevitable: unused;

interface I
  in void b ();
  out void a ();
    on inevitable: a;
    on b: {}

component indirect_in
  provides U p;
  requires I r;
    on r.a (): r.b ();

5.5 Indirect out event

A requires port out-event (r.b) posted in the context of a provides port in-event (p.a) call is processed before the provides port in-event (p.a) returns.

interface I
  in void a ();
  out void b ();
    on a: b;

component indirect_out
  provides I p;
  requires I r;
    on p.a (): r.a ();
    on r.b (): p.b ();

5.6 Indirect multiple out events

Since the provided interface is the same in the three cases below the externally visible behavior is identical.

The three different behavior implementations of the component show the subtle differences in the internal handling of messages.

interface I
  in void a ();
  out void b ();
    on a: b;

component indirect_multiple_out1
  provides I p;
  requires I r1;
  requires I r2;
    on p.a (): {r1.a (); r2.a ();}
    on r1.b (): {}
    on r2.b (): p.b ();
import indirect_multiple_out.dzn;

component indirect_multiple_out2
  provides I p;
  requires I r1;
  requires I r2;
    on p.a (): {r1.a (); r2.a ();}
    on r1.b (): p.b ();
    on r2.b (): {}
import indirect_multiple_out.dzn;

component indirect_multiple_out3
  provides I p;
  requires I r1;
  requires I r2;
    on p.a (): r1.a ();
    on r1.b (): r2.a ();
    on r2.b (): p.b ();

5.7 Indirect blocking out event

The in-event on the provides port (p.a) blocks (does not return) until a reply is handled. This happens in the handling of the requires port out-event (r.b). Also see blocking.

interface I
  in void a ();
  out void b ();
    on a: b;

interface I2
   in void a ();
   out void b ();
     bool idle = true;
     [idle] on a: idle = false;
     [!idle] on a: illegal;
     [!idle] on inevitable: {idle = true; b;}

component indirect_blocking_out
  provides blocking I p;
  requires I2 r;
    blocking on p.a (): r.a ();
    on r.b (): {p.b (); p.reply ();}

If the keyword blocking in above example would be omitted it would lead to an erroneous situation since the provides in-event (p.a) would return before the provides out-event (p.b) would have been generated.

5.8 External multiple out events

The addition of external on a requires interface removes the atomicity of an action list, i.e: {a; b;}. Also see external.

The first example shows how the behavior of external J1 interface transforms into the interface behavior of I1 by forwarding the events in the external_multiple_out1 component behavior.

interface I1
  in void e ();
  out void a ();
  out void b ();
    enum status {IDLE, A, B};
    status state = status.IDLE;
    [state.IDLE] on e: state = status.A;
    [!state.IDLE] on e: illegal;
    [state.A] on inevitable: {state = status.B; a;}
    [state.B] on inevitable: {state = status.IDLE; b;}

interface J1
  in void e ();
  out void a ();
  out void b ();
    on e: {a; b;}

component external_multiple_out1
  provides I1 p;
  requires external J1 r;
    bool idle = true;
    [idle] on p.e (): {idle = false; r.e ();}
    [!idle] on p.e: illegal;
    on r.a (): p.a ();
    on r.b (): {idle = true; p.b ();}

Two variations of the model above can be considered. Both variants provide the same interface behavior (I2 and I3 are identical), but differ in their requires interface behavior and as a result in their component behavior.

The first variant uses the requires behavior (J1 and J2 are identical) as the first example. The component takes care of joining the independently received events a and b as required by its provides interface.

interface I2
  in void e ();
  out void a ();
  out void b ();
    bool idle = true;
    [idle] on e: idle = false;
    [!idle] on inevitable: {idle = true; a; b;}

interface J2
  in void e ();
  out void a ();
  out void b ();
    on e: {a; b;}

component external_multiple_out2
  provides I2 p;
  requires external J2 r;
    bool idle = true;
    [idle] on p.e (): {idle = false; r.e ();}
    [!idle] on p.e: illegal;
    on r.a (): {}
    on r.b (): {idle = true; p.a (); p.b ();}

This variation provides the same interface as it requires. The component however, must make sure to join a and b again to implement its provides interface behavior.

interface I3
  in void e ();
  out void a ();
  out void b ();
    bool idle = true;
    [idle] on e: idle = false;
    [!idle] on e: illegal;
    [!idle] on inevitable: {idle = true; a; b;}

component external_multiple_out3
  provides I3 p;
  requires external I3 r;
    bool idle = true;
    [idle] on p.e (): {idle = false; r.e ();}
    [!idle] on p.e: illegal;
    on r.a (): {}
    on r.b (): {idle = true; p.a (); p.b ();}

5.9 Indirect blocking multiple external out events

The two requires out-events (r1.b, r2.b) can come in any order. The message sequence chart shows only one scenario. The implementation of the component is such that the provided behavior is the same in both cases.

interface I
  in void a ();
  out void b ();
    on a: b;

component indirect_blocking_multiple_external_out
  provides blocking I p;
  requires external I r1;
  requires external I r2;
    bool ready = true;
    on p.a (): blocking {ready = false; r1.a (); r2.a ();}
    [!ready] on r1.b (), r2.b (): {ready = true; p.b ();}
    [ready] on r1.b (), r2.b (): p.reply ();

5.10 Multiple provides

For the remainder of this chapter in our explanations we will be using the following two interfaces:

  1. ihello
    interface ihello
      in void hello();
        on hello: {}
  2. iworld
    interface iworld
      in void hello();
      out void world();
        bool idle = true;
        [idle] on hello: idle = false;
        [!idle] on inevitable: {idle = true; world;}

So far we have seen examples with more than one requires port. This topology leads to a tree like hierarchy which is a common structure to organize or coordinate in a top down fashion. In the case of sharing a single resource between multiple parties we need the opposite. The example below demonstrates to use of two provides ports.

import ihello.dzn;

component multiple_provides
  provides ihello left;
  provides ihello right;
  requires ihello hello;
    on left.hello(): hello.hello();
    on right.hello(): hello.hello();

This component simply multiplexes the hello events from its provides ports to its requires port, resulting in the following event sequence trace:


If we replace the ihello interface in our previous example with the iworld interface and correct for the behavioral changes, we get the following component:

import iworld.dzn;

component async_multiple_provides
  provides iworld left;
  provides iworld right;
  requires iworld world;

    enum Side {None, Left, Right};
    Side side = Side.None;
    Side pending = Side.None;

      on left.hello(): {side = Side.Left; world.hello();}
      on right.hello(): {side = Side.Right; world.hello();}
        on right.hello(): pending = Side.Right;
        on {side = Side.None;;}
      [pending.Right] on
        side = pending; pending = Side.None;; world.hello();
        on left.hello(): pending = Side.Left;
        on {side = Side.None;;}
      [pending.Left] on
        side = pending; pending = Side.None;; world.hello();

As we can see from the behavior and the event sequence trace below, asynchonous behavior leads to event interleaving, which requires state to manage the behavior.


5.11 Blocking multiple provides

The blocking keyword can (since 2.15) also be used in combination with multiple provides ports. In our explanation we will introduce a component that does two things. First it multiplexes the provides ports events over a single requires port. Secondly it maps the synchronous behavior of the provides ihello interfaces onto the asynchronous behavior of the requires iworld interface (see the interface declarations at the end of this section).

import ihello.dzn;
import iworld.dzn;

component blocking_multiple_provides
  provides blocking ihello left;
  provides blocking ihello right;
  requires iworld r;

    enum Side {None, Left, Right};
    Side side = Side.None;
    Side pending = Side.None;

      blocking on left.hello(): {r.hello(); side = Side.Left;}
      blocking on right.hello(): {r.hello(); side = Side.Right;}

    [side.Left] blocking on right.hello(): pending = Side.Right;
    [side.Right] blocking on left.hello(): pending = Side.Left;

      if(side.Left) left.reply();
      if(side.Right) right.reply();
      if(!pending.None) r.hello();
      side = pending;
      pending = Side.None;

In the event sequence trace below we can see that for each provides port that asynchronous hello world transaction is encapsulated.


5.12 Blocking in system context

Blocking has a direct effect on a single event, but it also influences the rest of the system behavior. To investigate the effects of the blocking keyword in system context, we will describe two examples. In the first example we concentrate our attention on the event interleaving at the provides ports. The second example focusses on the interleaving of events that originate from the requires ports.

The indirect effect of the use of the blocking keyword is referred to as collateral blocking. Blocking an event means making the caller wait by withholding its return until some state has been reached which is indicated by another event. To achieve this, the other processes outside the component that is applying the blocking keyword must be able to make progress. Furthermore the component must be exposed to this progress to be able to resolve the blocking situation by returning to its caller.

Let us recapitulate blocking with a small example component that will be used by each of the examples in this section.

import iblock.dzn;
import iworld.dzn;

component block
  provides blocking iblock b;
  requires iworld w;
    blocking on b.block():
      //execution waits here for b.reply()
      //to occur as a result of

    on b.reply();

Here we see component block that withholds its return on port b until it has received event Remember that a significant amount of time may pass between r.hello and During this time the rest system that contains our block component could make progress, without the component becoming aware. If we add more system context to our block component we can see how collateral blocking manifests itself. We will add component collateral as a client to block.

import ihelloworld.dzn;
import iworld.dzn;
import iblock.dzn;

component collateral
  provides blocking ihelloworld h;
  requires blocking iblock b;
  requires iworld w;

    bool idle = true;
    [idle] on h.hello(): {w.hello(); b.block(); idle = false;}
    [!idle] on {; idle = true;}

Besides being a client to component block this component is also a client to another regular non-blocking component. The event sequence trace below shows the first of the two possible scenarios implemented by the collateral component.


In this first scenario nothing is out of the ordinary, but now take a look at the second event sequence trace below.


Here we can see that during the time between b.block and b.return the world event on port w is allowed to occur. This is the result of the fact that although the collateral component is blocked on its call to b.block, it will find in its queue before returning to its caller. And as a result, forwarding as will occur before returning to its caller, which differs from the previous scenario. Verification of component collateral will check for both scenarios and ensure that the component behavior complies with all of the inteface behavior or otherwise report the non-compliant scenario. Verification relies on the blocking annotation on port b in order to infer the collateral blocking scenario and check for it.

5.12.1 Collateral blocking and multiple provides.

We can now revisit the blocking multiple provides example. Instead of making the multiplexing component responsible for the synchronization, we can also add a level of indirection by splitting up blocking_multiple_provides into a separate component that takes care of synchronizing the asynchronous behavior and a separate multiple provides component. The latter can be expressed as component mux below:

import ihello.dzn;
import iblock.dzn;

component mux
  provides blocking ihello left;
  provides blocking ihello right;

  requires blocking iblock b;

    on left.hello(): b.block();
    on right.hello(): b.block();

This component, notwithstanding the blocking annotations on its ports, behaves exactly like component multiple_provides. However, when we bring its clients into scope we get the system model below.

import mux.dzn;
import proxy.dzn;

component collateral_multiple_provides
  provides blocking ihello left;
  provides blocking ihello right;

  requires blocking iblock block;

    proxy l;
    proxy r;
    mux m;

    left <=> l.h;
    l.r <=> m.left;
    right <=> r.h;
    r.r <=> m.right;

    m.b <=> block;

In its event sequence trace we can see another impact of collateral blocking.


Although the behavior across the mux component is non-overlapping the behavior of the client components is interleaved.

Note: In Dezyne blocking is implemented by means of coroutines. Therefore the interleaving of event sequences is a form of cooperative multi-tasking. As a result its behavior is deterministic as opposed to non-deterministic as in multi-threaded interleaving.

6 Formal Verification

Dezyne provides automated, formal verification of a number of properties of interfaces, of components, and of components in relation to their interfaces6.

By running dzn verify, Dezyne code is translated to mCRL2 code and fed to a “verification pipeline”, i.e., a series of mcrl2 and dzn commands (See Invoking dzn verify).

The checks that Dezyne offers are of properties that are notoriously hard for humans to get right in all their detail, and which are relatively easily translatable to process algebra.

These properties concern the ordering of events, synchronous versus asynchronous calls and transactions, deadlock, unreachable code, livelock, and strict adherence to contract. Verifying a component together with its provides and requires interfaces ensures that the component behaves correctly in its environment according to the specified behavior. It also ensures that all possible error paths are fully and correctly handled.

All properties that Dezyne verifies on interface and component level are compositional, which implies, e.g., that as system consisting of verified components that do not deadlock, is also free of deadlock.

6.1 Verification Checks and Errors

A prerequisite for running the verification checks is for Dezyne code to be syntactically correct: any parse error prohibits the verification from running and must be fixed first. Apart from syntactic parse errors, the parser also checks for a number of so-called “well-formedness” errors. A “well-formedness” error is a static check, i.e. a check that the parser can perform without considering runtime behavior (see See Invoking dzn parse and See Well-formedness).

Dezyne verifies for interfaces and for components:


A deadlock in an interface occurs when the interface reaches a state in which no in-events are specified.

A deadlock is a situation where none of the components in a system can make progress; nothing can happen and the system simply does not respond. This commonly occurs when two components each require an action from the other before they can perform any further action themselves. Another common cause is when a component is waiting for some external event which fails to occur.

In general, deadlocks can be hard to find because the entire system needs to be reviewed to discover them and freedom from deadlocks is a property of the system as a whole. For example, component A might be waiting for B which is waiting for C while C is waiting for A. Dezyne ensures that this never happens. Each component by itself can be verified as being deadlock free and within Dezyne this deadlock property is compositional, which means that components can only be composed in ways that have been proven not to cause deadlock.

Note: Dezyne can only verify what it knows; therefore, e.g., handwritten code can still cause deadlocks.

Upon violation, the following error is reported:

error: deadlock in model <name>
unreachable code

An unreachable code error occurs when there is no code path possible that ever leads to the execution of the code.


A trigger that is not handled in a certain state, results in an illegal. For components this is also verified for the use of the interfaces of its requires ports.

Upon violation, the following error is reported:

error: illegal action performed in model <name>

A livelock in an interface occurs when in a certain state an inevitable event can occur without any restriction, i.e., its state does not change. This could starve the client that is interacting with this interface.

A livelock in a component occurs when it is permanently busy with internal behavior and fails to serve a provides port. For example, due to a design error such that the design is constantly interacting with its requires ports and starving a provides port; or due to the arrival rate of unconstrained external events such that processing them starves a provides port. As seen from the outside of a component, this appears very similar to deadlock. The difference is that a deadlocked component does nothing at all whereas a livelocked component might be performing lots of actions, but none of them are visible to a component’s provides port.

Upon violation, the following error is reported: livelock in model <name>

range error

Every possible assignment to a subint variable must be within its defined range.

Upon violation, the following error is reported:

error: integer range error in model <name>
type error

A trigger of a typed (i.e., non-void) event must reply a value of the type of the event.

Upon violation, the following error is reported

error: type error in model <name>

Note that trivial cases that can be checked statically, may be reported by the parser (See Well-formedness).

In addition, Dezyne verifies for interfaces:

observable non-determinism

Interfaces may specify non-deterministic behavior, as long as this non-determinism is observable by the client of that interface: after getting the response from the interface, a client must be able to determine what state the interface is in.

The snippet below shows observable non-determinism, i.e., an example of allowed non-determinism:

[idle] on hello: {world; idle=false;}
[idle] on hello: cruel;

in the idle state, upon sending hello either world or cruel may happen. This non-deterministic choice cannot be predicted. However, when the client sees world, the state of the interface is not idle, after seeing cruel, the state is idle.

This is an example of non-observable non-determinism, which is not allowed:

[idle] on hello: {world;idle=false;}
[idle] on hello: world;

as for a client it is impossible to tell if the interface is in state idle or in state not idle.

Upon violation, the following error is reported:

error: interface <name> is unobservably non-deterministic

In addition, Dezyne verifies for components:


The component together with its required interfaces implements the component behavior. The compliance check verifies that the component together with the required interfaces implements the behavior specified in the provided interface(s), i.e., whether the component honors its contracts.

Upon violation, the following error is reported:

error: component <name> is non-compliant with interface(s)\
    of provides port(s)

Components in Dezyne are required to be deterministic. The most common cause of non-determinism in a component is the ambiguous declaration of an event, often due to overlapping guards, i.e., in one state, for an event two different imperative statements are specified. Upon violation the following error is reported:

error: component <name> is non-deterministic

The event trace will indicate where and under which condition (state) the ambiguity occurs in the component behavior. Simulation of the corresponding event trace can be used to determine the exact location of the error in the input.

queue full

a Dezyne component has a queue where notification events are stored before they are processed. During verification it is checked that that this queue does not overflow, i.e., that it remains non-blocking. The component queue size can be specified for verification with the --queue-size option. The default queue size is 3.

Upon violation, the following error is reported

error: queue full in model <name>

For interfaces, the illegal check, range error check, and type error check are reported as part of the deadlock check. For components, the range error check, the type error check, and queue full check are reported as part of the illegal check.

6.2 Verification Counter Examples

A verification error does not only show the error it has detected, it also shows where it occurs. Where an error occurs is specified by means of a counter example, or an event trace.


interface ihello
  in void hello ();
  in void world ();
    on hello: {}

component illegal_requires
  provides ihello h;
  requires ihello w;

    on h.hello (): ();


$ dzn verify doc/examples/illegal-requires.dzn
model: hello

at the end of running this trace, an illegal action occurs. This implies there is an inconsistency in the behavior of the component and its interface, the contract is violated. This can either be fixed by a change to the interface behavior contract or by changing the component behavior.

6.3 Interpreting Verification Errors

Understanding why a certain verification error occurs, or how to fix it, is not always easy. The simulator can help to interpret the error and identify what is going on (See Invoking dzn simulate): It can show the source locations where the error occurs and the state the interface(s) and/or the component(s) are in.

The simulator can interpret the counter example from the verifier:

$ dzn verify doc/examples/illegal-requires.dzn \
  | dzn simulate doc/examples/illegal-requires.dzn
error: illegal action performed in model illegal_requires
(header ((h) ihello provides) ((sut) illegal_requires component) ((w) ihello requires))
(state ((h)) ((sut)) ((w)))
doc/examples/illegal-requires.dzn:6:3: error: illegal
<external>.h.hello -> ...
... -> sut.h.hello -> ...
... -> <external>
(state ((h)) ((sut)) ((w)))
doc/examples/illegal-requires.dzn:6:3: error: illegal
(trail "h.hello" "" "<illegal>")
(labels "h.hello" "")

7 Defensive Design

As Dezyne is intended for operating system like applications, qualifications like trustworthy, secure, safe, robust, and resilient come to mind. Here we discuss how these might be achieved.

If you are dealing with untrustworthy partners, you had better check that they behave as agreed or otherwise stop the transaction. Practically this means that one must not rely blindly on external behavior and external input.

Dezyne interfaces allow you to specify what the implementation can expect from their client and what they must do in return. This is not unlike a contract in terms of a pre-condition and a post-condition. Moreover, verification can be used to exhaustively show that for each Dezyne component these pre- and post-conditions hold. This is what we call See Design by Contract or See Interface Contracts.

Of course any interface contract can be written at the discretion of the designer/programmer. It can either be permissive or restrictive. An astute reader/thinker may realize that pre- and post-conditions are transitive and eventually there will not be a Dezyne implementation behind an interface. This means that verification cannot be used to assert upholding the pre- and post-conditions of the boundary interface. For this boundary we might define a permissive interface (anything goes) to guard the restricted interface and design an adapter component to deal with every request outside of the restricted protocol. This type of component is referred to as an armor (see See Armoring).

7.1 Interface Contracts

Dezyne does not have an exception mechanism like other languages. An exception mechanism is designed to prevent accidentally ignoring missed pre- or post-conditions. Instead, in Dezyne the interfaces establish these restrictions by means of verification (See Formal Verification). So where traditional programming languages must handle protocol violations using an exception mechanism at runtime, Dezyne prevents them using the static verification checks7. Interfaces in Dezyne are inherently complete with respect to their event alphabet. The generated code will accept every trigger but give an illegal response.

The illegal response is mapped to std::abort () in C++. Note that for a fully verified Dezyne system, operated by clients that adhere to the interface specifications, it is impossible for an illegal response to be triggered. In other words, when an illegal is triggered, it means that some non-Dezyne code is violating a protocol (interface specification).

7.1.1 Implicit interface constraints

Dezyne version 2.17.0 introduces implicit interface constraints.

Before 2.17.0, for a component to be compliant with its provides interface(s), implementing a component required meticulously specifying the same behavior in the component as in the provides interface(s); therefore the code from the interface(s) is often repeated in the component.

Since version 2.17.0 the provides interface(s) are implicitly applied as a constraint on the component behavior. This means that anything disallowed by the interface, i.e., explicitly or implicitly marked as illegal, is implicitly marked as illegal in the component behavior.

How does this differ from the existing implicit illegal feature See illegal you may wonder. The implicit illegal feature leads to implicitly marked illegal behavior when a certain event is ommitted in a certain state. The constraint feature marks as illegal every event in the component behavior which is marked as illegal in the corresponding state in the interface behavior. This avoids the need to repeat the state and guarding from the interface in the component. An example of how this may reduce the behavior specification of a component is the component proxy.

7.1.2 Shared interface variables

Dezyne version 2.18.0 introduces shared interface variables.

Before 2.18.0, for a component to be able to act on the state of another component through a guard, if or reply expression, it was necessary to define and maintain a shadow copy of said state, either by inferring its value or explicitly retrieving it via an action.

Now, components on either side of an interface can use and share the value of their interface state variables by referring to them via their respective ports in any expression.


Note: Access is limited to reading only, assignments from the component behavior are prohibited. Also, variables from ports marked external are inaccessible, due to the process delay between both sides of the interface.

Note: Shared interface variables are not inspected by defer. As a consequence an explicit component variable that changes state is required to cancel a defer, see Component defer for more information.

Shared interface state further enhances an existing Dezyne pattern, where an assert event combined with a predicate guarding an illegal is used to define a user defined functional property across multiple components. An example of this is used by the cruise_control example below. Here the cruise_control explicitly checks for unwanted acceleration due to not resetting the throttle or forgetting to stop the timer, as well as the converse property.

interface ihmi
  in void enable ();
  in void disable ();

  in bool set ();
  in bool resume ();
  in void cancel ();

  out void inactive ();

    enum State {Disabled,Enabled,Active};
    enum Setpoint {Unset,Set};

    State state = State.Disabled;
    Setpoint setpoint = Setpoint.Unset;

    on disable: // always allow
      state = State.Disabled;
      setpoint = Setpoint.Unset; //forget about the previous setpoint

    [!state.Disabled] on enable: {/* ignore when not disabled */}
    [!state.Active] on cancel: {/* ignore when not active */}
    [!state.Enabled] on set, resume: reply (false);

    [state.Disabled] on enable: state = State.Enabled;
    [state.Enabled] {
      on set, resume: reply (false);
      on set: {state = State.Active; setpoint = Setpoint.Set; reply (true);}
      on resume: {
        [setpoint.Set] {state = State.Active; reply (true);}
        [setpoint.Unset] reply (false);
      // this may or may not happen
      on inevitable: {state = State.Enabled; inactive;}
      on cancel: state = State.Enabled;

// observe (brake and clutch) pedals
interface ipedals
  in bool enable ();
  in void disable ();
  out void engage ();
  out void disengage ();
    bool monitor = false;
    bool engaged = false;
    [!monitor] {
      on enable: {monitor = true; reply (engaged);}
      on enable: {monitor = true; engaged = !engaged; reply (engaged);}
    [monitor] {
      on disable: {monitor = false; engaged = false;}
      on optional: {
        engaged = !engaged;
        if (engaged) engage; else disengage;

// interface to the throttle actuator PID control
interface ithrottle
  in void setpoint ();    // close loop and calculate actuator input
  in void reset ();  // open loop
  out void unset (); // sponaneous open loop

    bool active = false;
    on setpoint: active = true;
    [active] {
      on reset: active = false;
      on optional: {active = false; unset;}

interface itimer
  in void start ();
  out void timeout ();
  in void cancel ();
    bool idle = true;
    [idle] on start: idle = false;
    [!idle] on inevitable: timeout;
    on cancel: idle = true;

interface iassert
  out void assert ();
    on inevitable: assert;
import cruise-control-interfaces.dzn;

component cruise_control
  provides ihmi hmi;
  requires ipedals pedals;
  requires ithrottle throttle;
  requires itimer timer;
  requires iassert check;
    // functional property that asserts no unwanted acceleration
    on check.assert (): {
      [!hmi.state.Active] {
        [] illegal;
        [!timer.idle] illegal;
        [otherwise] {}
      [otherwise] {
        [!] illegal;
        [timer.idle] illegal;
        [otherwise] {}
    [hmi.state.Disabled] {
      on hmi.enable (): bool b = pedals.enable ();
      on hmi.disable (): {}
    [!hmi.state.Disabled] {
      on hmi.enable (): {}
      on hmi.disable (): {
        if ( throttle.reset ();
        timer.cancel ();
        pedals.disable ();
    [hmi.state.Enabled && timer.idle] {
      [pedals.engaged] on hmi.set (): reply (false);
      [!pedals.engaged] on hmi.set (): {
        throttle.setpoint ();
        timer.start ();
        reply (true);
      on hmi.resume (): {
        [pedals.engaged || !hmi.setpoint.Set] reply (false);
        [otherwise] {
          throttle.setpoint ();
          timer.start ();
          reply (true);
    [!hmi.state.Enabled || !timer.idle] {
      on hmi.set (), hmi.resume (): reply (false);
    on timer.timeout (): {
      if (!hmi.state.Active) illegal;
      throttle.setpoint ();
    on hmi.cancel (): {
      if (hmi.state.Active) {
        throttle.reset ();
        timer.cancel ();
    on pedals.disengage (): {/*ignore*/}
    on pedals.engage ()
      , throttle.unset (): {
      if (hmi.state.Active) {
        hmi.inactive ();
        timer.cancel ();
        if ( throttle.reset ();

Note: This Dezyne pattern is intended to become a first class citizen in the Dezyne language when the Module model type is added.

7.2 Error Handling and Recovery

The errors of concern here are not programming or design errors, but behavior that may occur and must be handled appropriately. Like a file open request because of a non existing file. Therefore these errors are at least runtime errors.

For a system, which behavior emerges as a result of its function and its interaction with an unpredictable environment, the Pareto principle holds for the distribution of its main functions and its error handling across its behavior. Typically about 10%-20% of the events that signal an error, result in 90%-80% of the behavior associated with error handling. While 90%-80% of the events that relate to the main functions of the system typically result in 10%-20% percent of the overall behavior which is unrelated to error handling.

Error handling is most often a matter of redirecting the handling to the party in charge to allow them to attempt recovery by retrying, continue with reduced or gracefully degraded function, by failing safely altogether, or continue as normal treating the error as a warning.

Dezyne is very effective in allowing engineers to discover the emergent error behaviors–i.e., without having to resolve to devising test scenarios, writing test code and running tests—as well as designing the handling of the respective error conditions.

7.3 Armoring

A common programming adagium is to be liberal what you accept and strict in what you deliver. Verification clearly depends on the accuracy with which the behavior of the environment is described by its interface specifications. Any inconsistency with reality may lead the execution of the code into unverified territory. To avoid this we can apply an approach called armoring. An armor is a defensive layer of components that protects the armored components who rely on their interface contracts from any behavior which would violate those contracts. An armoring component can be developed in Dezyne itself by creating a permissive interface from the strict interface behavior and letting the armor component map one behavior onto the other making sure the permissive behavior never violates the strict behavior.

Consider this simple strict interface

interface istrict
  in void request ();
  in void cancel ();
  out void notify ();

    bool idle = true;
    [idle] on request: idle = false;
      on cancel: idle = true;
      on inevitable: {idle = true; notify;}

used by this simple proxy component

import istrict.dzn;

component proxy // a proxy pre 2.17.0
  provides istrict p;
  requires istrict r;

    bool idle = true;
    [idle] on p.request (): {r.request (); idle = false;}
      on p.cancel (): {r.cancel (); idle = true;}
      on r.notify (): {p.notify (); idle = true;}

component proxy // a trivial proxy post 2.17.0
  provides istrict p;
  requires istrict r;

    on p.request (): r.request ();
    on p.cancel (): r.cancel ();
    on r.notify (): p.notify ();

Because the istrict interface is stateful, a problem occurs when the enviroment would erroneously issue a second p.request event before receiving an r.notify.

Now consider this permissive interface

interface ipermissive // derives from istrict
  in void request ();
  in void cancel ();
  out void notify ();

    on request: {}
    on cancel: {}
    on optional: notify;

that shares its event alphabet with istrict. Being permissive means that it will accept any of the events, regardless of the history.

Using the ipermissive interface we can derive a simple top armor component

import istrict.dzn;
import ipermissive.dzn;

component top_armor
  provides ipermissive p;
  requires istrict r;

    bool idle = true;
      on p.request (): {idle = false; r.request ();}
      on p.cancel (): {}
      on p.request (): {}
      on p.cancel (): {idle = true; r.cancel ();}
      on r.notify (): {idle = true; p.notify ();}

and likewise, a bottom_armor component

import istrict.dzn;
import ipermissive.dzn;
import iwatchdog.dzn;

component bottom_armor
  provides istrict p;
  requires ipermissive r;
  requires iwatchdog w;

    bool idle = true;
      on p.request (): {idle = false; w.set (); r.request ();}
      on r.notify (): {}
      on p.cancel (): {idle = true; w.cancel (); r.cancel ();}
      on r.notify (),
         w.timeout (): {idle = true; w.cancel (); p.notify ();}

The permissive interface is to be used on both sides of the armored_system. The system connects each permissive interface to a dedicated armor component, one for the top of the system and one for the bottom. Both protecting the inside component called proxy.

import proxy.dzn;
import top_armor.dzn;
import bottom_armor.dzn;

component watchdog
  provides iwatchdog w;

component armored_system // is permissive, but armored
  provides ipermissive p;
  requires ipermissive r;

    p <=> ta.p;
    top_armor ta;

    ta.r <=> m.p;
    proxy m; // the soft but strict middle
    m.r <=> ba.p;

    bottom_armor ba;
    watchdog w;
    ba.w <=> w.w;
    ba.r <=> r;

8 Code Integration

Dezyne code cannot be directly run or compiled into an executable, instead, the Dezyne code generator is used to translate Dezyne into an intermediate target language, such as C++ (See Invoking dzn code).

The Dezyne code generator will produce human readable code that strongly resembles the Dezyne code without adding any unnecessary deviations.

8.1 Integrating C++ Code

This chapter describes the C++ code that is generated by Dezyne and the integration thereof.

8.1.1 Introduction

Every wellformed Dezyne model can be automatically converted into a corresponding wellformed C++ representation. This means that the generated code will compile without compilation errors. A verified Dezyne model, once converted into a corresponding C++ representation, exhibits the same behavior when executed as can observed in the Dezyne simulation and verification of the model.

In Dezyne there are three model types: interface, component and system.

In this chapter we cover the code which is generated from these models as well as the way the generated code might be integrated.

8.1.2 Interfaces

Dezyne turns an interface such as:

interface some_interface
  in void in_event();
  out void out_event();

    on in_event: out_event;

into a C++ class representation similar to this:

struct some_interface
    dezyne::function<void ()> in_event;
  } in;
    dezyne::function<void ()> out_event;
  } out;

Each event in an interface is a slot to which a value of something with the appropriate callable signature can be assigned. A callable value in C++ is either: A function pointer or a functor (an object implementing the function ::operator ()), like a C++11 lambda. For example:

void foo () {}
some_interface port;
port.out.out_event = foo; = port.out.out_event;

Note that the last statement above short circuits the in_event to the out_event as is described in the Dezyne interface.

8.1.3 Components

One could consider a component to be no more than the connecting part between all of its ports. For example:

import some_interface.dzn;

component some_component
  provides some_interface provided_port;
  requires some_interface required_port;

in which case a simplistic C++ representation could look like this:

struct some_component
  some_interface provided_port;
  some_interface required_port;
  some_component ()
    : provided_port ()
    , required_port ()
      = dezyne::ref (;
      = dezyne::ref (provided_port.out.out_event);

Note that dezyne::ref allows short circuiting events which will be initialized at a later stage.

However, this representation does not implement the semantics of Dezyne (see See Execution Semantics). In order to achieve this, the Dezyne runtime manages the event exchange between components. And of course for all practical purpose and intent one expects a component behavior to be more complicated to be able to comply with all of its interface behaviors.

8.1.4 Systems

Along the same lines a Dezyne system may aggregate other components and systems and bind them together by their ports. For example:

import some_component.dzn;

component some_system
  provides some_interface provided_port;
  requires some_interface required_port;
    some_component top;
    some_component middle;
    some_component bottom;
    provided_port <=> top.provided_port;
    top.required_port <=> middle.provided_port;
    middle.required_port <=> bottom.provided_port;
    bottom.required_port <=> required_port;

or depicted in a diagram:


8.1.5 Integration

Constructing such a system using Dezyne is straightforward. Every model can be automatically converted into code and by the hierarchical nature of Dezyne all components and systems slot together automatically, however two facilities are required to allow this: the dezyne runtime and the dezyne locator. Both are provided by Dezyne.

In C++ the main function for this system might look like this:

#include "some_system.hh"
#include "dezyne/runtime.hh"
#include "dezyne/locator.hh"
int main()
  dezyne::locator loc;
  dezyne::runtime rt;
  loc.set (rt);
  //construct the system
  some_system system (loc);
  //connect the outer events directed at the system
  system.provided_port.out.event = []{
    std::cout << "system.provided_port.out.event" << std::endl;
  };  = []{
    std::cout << "" << std::endl;
  //and finally fire some of the external events ();
  system.required_port.out.event ();

Runtime: The runtime takes care of decoupling the events between the caller and the callee when this is required.

Locator: The locator allows injecting the implementation behind a port deep into the system from the outside.

In the example you can see that the locator facility is also responsible for passing an instance of the runtime into the system. Injection example:

interface Foo
  in void bar();
    on bar:{}
component some_component2
  provides some_component2 provided_port;
  requires injected Foo required_port;
  behavior { /* ...  */ }
int main()
  dezyne::locator loc;
  dezyne::runtime rt;
  loc.set (rt);
  Foo foo; = []{/*no op*/};
  loc.set (foo);
  some_component comp (loc); ();

8.2 Foreign Component

We already saw how to connect code directly to event slots in the interface. If we desire to encapsulate this code, we can use a component without a behavior8 to achieve this. The code generator will generate a similar C++ representation for components with and without behavior. The only difference is that a component without behavior declares pure virtual functions which must be implemented by a struct of class which inherits from the generated C++ representation. Note that this approach is not suitable to wrap a Dezyne component or system, since it would add the Dezyne semantic constraints via the runtime library a second time. The derived struct or class must have the same name as the component in Dezyne. To avoid a naming conflict, the generated representation with the same name as the Dezyne component is placed into the skel9 namespace.

It may not be obvious that we may run into a conflict when we put our foreign component in a file with the same name as the component. The reasons for this are as follows. Names introduced in Dezyne are also used by the generated code to refer to component representations. If a component is not defined locally Dezyne import is mapped to a #include. This means that the actual implementation of a foreign component must be in a file with the name derived from the component name. Therefore the component representation in the skel namespace is not written to the same file, the code generator simply refuses this. The solution is to put foreign component definitions into another file, for instance in the file of the system instantiating the component.

When implementing the foreign component the compiler must also be able to see the representation in the skel namespace. The code generator makes sure that the actual implementation inheriting the skel representation is included directly after it. Therefore we do not have to include anything into the header file of our foreign implementation. However, if we put the actual definition into a separate source file, we must include both the header file of the actual foreign component as well as the header file declaring the skel representation.

An example will help clarifying:

// hello_foreign.dzn

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
  out void world ();

    on hello: world;

component foreign
  provides ihello p;

component hello
  provides ihello p;
  requires ihello r;

    on p.hello (): r.hello ();
    on (): ();

component hello_foreign
  provides ihello p;

    p <=> h.p;
    hello h;
    h.r <=> f.p;
    foreign f;

// end of hello_foreign.dzn

Here we see an interface ihello, a foreign component, a regular component hello and a system hello_foreign being defined.

For C++ the code generator produces a hello_foreign.hh and a file. Since hello_foreign instantiates the component foreign, it will #include a file called foreign.hh. The contents of this file might look something like this:

#ifndef FOREIGN_HH
#define FOREIGN_HH

struct foreign: public skel::foreign
  foreign (const dzn::locator &locator)
    : skel::foreign (locator)
  void p_hello ()
  { ();


Note the absence of an #include statement.

If we want to move all member function definitions from the header file to a source file, we might write like this.

#include "hello_foreign.hh"

foreign::foreign (const dzn::locator &locator)
  : skel::foreign (locator)

void foreign::p_hello ()
{ ();

Note the presence of #include "hello_foreign.hh" and remember this already includes foreign.hh.

8.3 Thread-safe Shell

A Dezyne Thread-safe Shell guarantees safe use of a Dezyne system component in a multi-threaded environment. It also implements the use of the blocking and the defer keywords.

8.3.1 Shell Syntax

Use the dzn command-line client to generate code and a thread-safe shell:

  dzn code -l c++ -s SYSTEM FILE    (1)


1) Generates code for all components and interfaces referred to in the SYSTEM component. In addition a thread-safe shell is generated for SYSTEM.

8.3.2 Semantics

A thread-safe shell wraps a Dezyne system component. In addition to an instance of the Dezyne component it contains a thread and an event queue. External code can call event functions on system ports. The thread-safe shell defers each external call by posting a function object in the event queue. A thread private to the thread-safe shell takes deferred functions from the queue and executes them one by one. Thus, external calls are serviced in the order of arrival.

An external call of a provides port in event blocks until the thread-safe shell private thread has completed the deferred function call. The external call blocks until a reply has been executed for the input event port. A subsequent call on a blocked port will block until the prior call returns.

An external call of a requires port out event returns a soon as the event call is scheduled. The external call return is not synchronized with the actual execution of the event by a thread-safe shell private thread.

8.3.3 Shell Example

Generating C++ code with a thread-safe shell for component SYS results in files: SYS.hh,, BHV.hh and IA.hh.

A call of captures input parameters by value to prevent data races. The call schedules a call to and blocks the calling thread until the scheduled call returns.

A call of SYS::rp.out.o() captures input parameters by value to prevent data races. The call schedules a call to SYS::bhv.rp.out.o() and returns immediately.

component SYS {
  provides IA pp;
  requires IA rp;
  system {
    BHV bhv;
    pp <=> bhv.pp;
    bhv.rp <=> rp;
component BHV {
  provides IA pp;
  requires IA rp;
extern int $int$;
interface IA {
  in void iv(int i);
  out void o(int i);
  behavior {
    on iv: {}
    on optional: o;

File SYS.hh:

#ifndef SYS_HH
#define SYS_HH
#include #include #include #include #include "BHV.hh"
#include "IA.hh"
#include "IA.hh"
namespace dzn {struct locator;}
struct SYS
  dzn::meta dzn_meta;
  dzn::runtime dzn_runtime;
  dzn::locator dzn_locator;
  BHV bhv;
  IA pp;
  IA rp;
  dzn::pump dzn_pump;
  SYS (dzn::locator const&);
#endif // SYS_HH


#include "SYS.hh"
SYS::SYS (dzn::locator const& locator)
: dzn_meta{"","SYS",0,{&bhv.dzn_meta},{}}
, dzn_locator (locator.clone ().set (dzn_runtime).set (dzn_pump))
, bhv(dzn_locator)
, pp (bhv.pp)
, rp (bhv.rp)
, dzn_pump ()
{ = [&] (int i) {
    return dzn::shell (dzn_pump, [&,i] {return (i);});
  rp.out.o = [&] (int i) {
    return dzn_pump ([&,i] {return bhv.rp.out.o (i);});
  bhv.pp.out.o = std::ref (pp.out.o); = std::ref (;
  bhv.dzn_meta.parent = &dzn_meta; = "bhv";

8.4 Integrating Scheme Code

Note: The Scheme code generator is still considered experimental; use with caution.

To enable the Scheme code generator, configure by doing something like

./configure --enable-languages=scheme --with-courage

Dezyne comes with a code generator for GNU Guile see Guile reference manual. Scheme is an interesting language for using with Dezyne. It supports a functional programming style that can be applied in handwritten code.

Program code written in a purely functional style is more reasonable than imperative code and especially so for concurrent programs (see Modularity Objects and State in Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs). The Scheme code for Dezyne components that is generated by the code generator (See Invoking dzn code) can still use assignments to store state in an imperative way, but that is not a problem as this code is verified: the most tricky aspects of the software are left to Dezyne!

8.4.1 Namespace to Module

The Scheme code generator introduces the “namespace to module” feature which means that a Dezyne file, when it contains a single namespace, is assumed to describe a module, such as found in languages like GNU Guile (see Guile modules in GNU Guile Reference Manual), JavaScript (Python, etc.). Similarly, foreigns are assumed to live in their own module, so that this module can be used/required/imported.

Things to note:

  • Dezyne files that define more than one namespace are not supported for “namespace to module”,
  • foreigns go into their own module,
  • interfaces used by a foreign need to go into their own Dezyne file to avoid introducing cyclic dependencies,
  • avoid the name foreign, the class <foreign>
  • foreigns that use the same interfaces need to form a chain of use-module and re-export their port accessors (see Using Guile Modules in Guile reference manual).

9 The Dezyne command-line tools

9.1 Invoking dzn

The dzn command is a front-end to Dezyne functions, such as verification, code generation, simulation, etc. Those functions all have their own sub command:

dzn dzn-optioncommand command-optionFILE...

Running dzn without a sub command shows a brief help text and the list of available dzn commands.

The dzn-options can be used with every dzn command and can be among the following:


Enable debug output.


Display help on invoking dzn, and then exit.


Skip well-formedness checking.

The well-formedness checking of a large program can take a significant amount of time. As the well-formedness check does not change a correct AST in any way, it can be safely skipped when parsing a previously checked and unmodified program (See Invoking dzn parse).


Show detailed Scheme and mCRL2 timing information.

-c trans

Apply transformation trans after parsing. Use dzn --help --verbose to show all transformations. This option can be used more than once. For example,

dzn code -l dzn -t add-explitic-temporaries -t -o- normalize:compounds test.dzn
dzn code -l dzn -t 'inline-functions(f)' -t -o- normalize:compounds test.dzn

will inline function f and remove redundant compound-statements created by the inlining.


Be more verbose, show progress.


Display the current version of dzn, and then exit.

Note: The dzn-options are placed between dzn and the sub command, e.g. to increase verbosity when using dzn verify, use

dzn -v verify file.dzn

9.2 Invoking dzn code

While the simulator (See Invoking dzn simulate) can interpret Dezyne code directly, to create an executable program Dezyne uses a code generator.

This code generator, the command dzn code, generates compilable or runnable code for a Dezyne file, such as C++. Usually—i.e., except for trivial cases—this generated Dezyne code is combined with “handwritten” code in the target language to create a Dezyne application, See Code Integration.

dzn dzn-option… code optionFILE

The options can be among the following:

-c type

Generate an extra parameter of type for every event.


Display help on invoking dzn code, and then exit.

-I dir

Add directory dir to the import path.


When generating mCRL2 code, use init PROCESS. For other language backends, this options is ignored.

-l language

Generate code for language language.

-m model

Generate a trivial main for model. This “generated main” can execute an event trace read from stdin, and writes a code trace to stderr. See Getting Started.


Do not use a constraining process.


Do not generate tags for the unreachable code check.

-o dir

Write output to directory dir (use - for standard output).

-q size

When generating mCRL2 code, use component queue size size for verification, the default is 3. For other language backends, this options is ignored.


When generating mCRL2 code, use defer queue size size for verification, the default is 2. For other language backends, this options is ignored.


When generating mCRL2 code, use extternal queue size size for verification, the default is 1. For other language backends, this options is ignored.

-s model

Generate thread-safe system shell for model model. This option can be used multiple times. See Thread-safe Shell.

9.3 Invoking dzn graph

The dzn graph command can be used to generate different graphs from a Dezyne model.

dzn dzn-option… graph optionFILE

The options can be among the following:

-b type

Generate a diagram using backend type; one of dependency, lts, state, or system and write it to standard output. The default is system.

The state diagram can simplified using options --hide and --remove.

Under the hood, lts and state use the Dezyne VM. LTSs can be queried and manipulated using dzn lts (Invoking dzn lts) and the mCRL2 tooling.

Note: Generating an LTS for a large component or system using the VM can be very time-consuming. For generating an LTS using the verification engine, see (Invoking dzn verify) and (Invoking dzn traces).

-f format

Print trace in format format; one of aut, dot, or json. For --lts the default is aut, for other formats the default is dot.

Note: The json can be processed by Dezyne-P5 to draw state and system diagrams in a browser.


Display help on invoking dzn graph, and then exit.

-H hide

Generate a state diagram and hide hide from the transitions; one of labels (hide everything), actions or returns.

-I dir

Add directory dir to the import path.

-m model

Generate graph for model model. The default is to use the most “interesting” model.

-q size

Use component queue size size for exploration, the default is 3.


Use defer queue size size for exploration, the default is 2.


Use external queue size size for exploration, the default is 1.

-R vars

Generate a state diagram and remove variables from nodes remove; one of ports or extended.

ports Hides the state of the component’s or system’s ports, extended hides the interface’s or component’s extended state, i.e., all but the main (first) state variable and implies ports.

9.4 Invoking dzn hello

The dzn hello command can be used to test your installation; it echos “hello” to standard output.

dzn dzn-option… hello

The options can be among the following:


Display help on invoking ide hello, and then exit.

9.5 Invoking dzn language

The dzn language command produces Dezyne language completion results and location information. It can be used by an editor or IDE to create a rich editing experience.

dzn dzn-option… language optionFILE

The options can be among the following:


Show completion result; this is the default action.


Display help on invoking dzn language, and then exit.

-I dir

Add directory dir to the import path.


Use offset offset to determine context.

-p line,column

Calculate offset from line line and column column.


Show lookup result.


Display input, parse tree, offset, context and completions.

9.6 Invoking dzn lts

The dzn lts command can be used to manipulate and query a labeled transition system (lts) in Aldebaran (aut) format (See Invoking dzn graph, See Invoking dzn verify, See Invoking dzn traces).

dzn dzn-option… lts option… [FILE]…

The options can be among the following:


Rewrite mCRL2 labels to Dezyne, optionally remove prefix as specified with --prefix.


Detect deadlock in lts (after introduction of failures) and produce a witness.


Remove edges leading to illegal (in combination with --failures).


Introduce a failure for each ’optional’ event into the lts.


Display help on invoking dzn lts, and then exit.


Detect whether lts contains <illegal> labels.


Detect tau-loops in lts and produce a witness.

-n label[,label…]

Detect whether lts is deterministic by detecting multiple edges of label from a single state, and produce a witness.


Optional prefix for --cleanup

-t event[,event…]

Hide all events from lts.


Exclude given events from ’--tau’ list.


Report each error including its trace (witness) on a single line.

9.7 Invoking dzn parse

The dzn parse command parses a Dezyne file and reports any errors, both syntax errors as well as “well-formedness” errors. The Dezyne parser consists of three stages:

  1. The PEG parser creates a raw parse-tree10,
  2. The parse-tree is converted into the abstract syntax tree (AST),
  3. A number of so-called “well-formedness” checks are performed on the AST that ascertain type correctness and detect semantic errors (See Well-formedness),
  4. After parsing, some commands perform a normalization on the AST.

The well-formedness checking of a large program can take a significant amount of time. As the well-formedness check does not change a correct AST in any way, it can be safely skipped when parsing a previously checked and unmodified program (See Invoking dzn).

Usually, the parser is invoked implicitly by commands like dzn verify and dzn code. It can be useful to do an explicit check for errors, for example after saving a Dezyne file (See The Perfect Setup). Its syntax is:

dzn dzn-option… parse optionFILE

The options can be among the following:


Resolve imports and produce a content stream. This pre-processed content can also be processed later by the parser and it has the advantage of being independent of the file-system.


Display help on invoking dzn parse, and then exit.

-I dir

Add directory dir to the import path.


List the Dezyne models defined in the file, with their type.


Show locations in output ast.

-m model

Only output ast for model model.


Write the raw peg parse tree, skip generating a full ast,

-o file

Write ast to file, use “-” for standard output.

9.8 Invoking dzn simulate

The dzn simulate command starts a simulation run.

Under the hood, dzn simulate uses the Dezyne VM. The simulator can be used to explore Dezyne models (interfaces, components, and systems), and to interpret error traces (witnesses) from the verification engine (See Getting Started). It shows code locations, state, and state transitions and produces friendly error messages. The simulator and verification both report the same errors (See Formal Verification). The simulator, however, only reports errors that it encounters while interpreting a specific event trace. The verifier performs an exhaustive search for errors but only produces a witness and does not report any context information. Its syntax is:

dzn dzn-option… simulate optionFILE

The options can be among the following:

-f format

Print trace in format format; one of diagram, event, or trace. The default is trace.


Display help on invoking dzn simulate, and then exit.

-I dir

Add directory dir to the import path.


Display internal events when using the diagram trace format.


Display locations in the trace, this implies --format=trace.

-m model

Start simulating model. The default is the most “interesting” model.


Do not run the compliance check.


Do not run the deadlock check at the end of the trail (EOT).


Do not run the observable non-determinism check on interfaces.


Do not run the interface livelock check at the end of the trail (EOT).


Do not run the external queue-full check at the end of the trail (EOT).


Do not run the compliance check for the failures model refusals check at the end of the trail (EOT).

-q size

Use component queue size size for simulation, the default is 3.


Use defer queue size size for simulation, the default is 2.


Use external queue size size for simulation, the default is 1.


Use strict matching of trail, i.e., the trail must contain all observable events.

-t trail

Use trail trail. The default is to read from stdin.


Display non-communication steps in the trace, this implies --format=trace, --locations.

9.9 Invoking dzn trace

The dzn trace command is a pseudo-filter to convert between different trace formats:

event trace (trail)

An event trace or trail is a list of event names observable by interacting with a Dezyne model, for example, for doc/examples/hello-world.dzn:

event trace (character separated)

Some tools, such as the simulator also read an event trace separated by a comma or a space:

"p.hello p.return"
code trace (arrow trace)

The Dezyne executable code can produce a trace showing the sender and the receiver of an event on the same line:

<external>.p.hello -> sut.p.hello
<external> <-
<external>.p.return <- sut.p.return
simulator trace (split-arrow trace)

The simulator produces a trace showing the sender and the receiver of an event both on their own line:

<external>.p.hello -> ...
... -> sut.p.hello
... <-
<external> <- ...
... <- sut.p.return
<external>.p.return <- ...

which is especially useful when the lines are prefixed with location information.

The dzn trace command reads arrow traces and converts them to a code trace (the default) or an event trace. A split-arrow trace can also be converted to an ASCII sequence diagram. Its syntax is:

dzn dzn-option… trace option… [FILE]

The options can be among the following:

-f format

Display trace in format format, one of diagram, event, json, or sexp. The default is code.

Note: The json can be processed by Dezyne-P5 to draw a trace diagram in a browser.


Display help on invoking dzn trace, and then exit.


Show communication between components in the system. When using the option --format=diagram on a system trace, the communication between components in the system is hidden by default.


Show locations in output.


When using format=event also show meta-events, such as <defer> and <illegal>.

-t trace

Use trace trace. The default is to read from standard input.

9.10 Invoking dzn traces

The dzn traces command generates an exhaustive set of event traces or trails for a behavioral Dezyne model. It can also be used to generate an lts in Aldebaran format (See Invoking dzn lts, See Invoking dzn graph, See Invoking dzn verify).

Under the hood, dzn traces uses dzn code and mCRL2.

dzn dzn-option… traces optionFILE

The options can be among the following:


Include <flush> events in trace.


Display help on invoking dzn traces, and then exit.


Include traces that lead to an illegal.

-I dir

Add directory dir to the import path.


Instead of generating trace files, generate an lts in Aldebaran format.

-m model

Generate traces for model model.


Do not use a constraining process.

-o dir

Write trace files to directory dir.

-q size

Use component queue size size for generation, the default is 3.


Use defer queue size size for trace generation, the default is 2.


Use external queue size size for trace generation, the default is 1.


Generate trace files, this is the default. Using --traces will generate trace files even when --lts is used.

9.11 Invoking dzn verify

The dzn verify command exhaustively checks a Dezyne file for verification errors in Dezyne models. See Formal Verification.

dzn dzn-option… verify optionFILE

The options can be among the following:


Show all errors, i.e., keep going after finding an error. By default, verification stops after finding a verification error.


Display help on invoking dzn verify, and then exit.

-I dir

Add directory dir to the import path.

-m model

Limit verification to model, and for a behavioral component model, to its interfaces.

Note: Verification cannot be limited to system component models; verifying a system model is a no-op11.


Do not use a constraining process.


Do not verify interfaces.


Disable the unreachable code check. For large models the unreachable code check may have a serious performance impact.


Run a partial verification pipeline to produce format.

Interesting formats are mcrl2, aut, aut-dpweak-bisim, aut-weak-trace, and aut+provides-aut. Use --out=help for a full list.

The verification pipeline starts by generating mCRL2 code, which is converted into an lps and then into an lts (See Invoking dzn lts). The lts is then manipulated further.

Using the --debug on dzn (See Invoking dzn) shows the pipelines with all their commands that are being used, ready for use on the command line.

-q size

Use component queue size size for verification, the default is 3.


Use defer queue size size for verification, the default is 2.


Use external queue size size for verification, the default is 1.

10 Dezyne Language Reference

Dezyne is a component based language as well as a method for the development of event-driven systems. The language has formal semantics, which is coherently expressed in: a textual representation, a graphical representation, a mathematical representation, a source code representation, and the observable behavior of a machine executing the resulting program. The concepts available in the language denote the different properties12 that can be observed and have meaning in one or more of the representations: textual, graphical, mathematical, program and execution.

The C-like syntax of Dezyne should give it a familiar feel to many programmers. Dezyne has some unique language concepts and syntax elements that are described in this chapter.

10.1 Lexical Analysis

Dezyne is a C-like language. This means that identifiers must be separated by either whitespace, delimiters or operators and is otherwise whitespace invariant. The Dezyne parser is defined using a partial expression grammar or “PEG” (see PEG Parsing in GNU Guile Reference Manual).

10.1.1 Identifiers

In Dezyne identifiers are used to name objects like interfaces, components, events, user defined types, variables, etc. A keyword cannot be used as an identifier and identifiers are case-sensitive.

identifier ::= [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*

An identifier starts with a letter or an underscore, which can be followed by further letters, digits, or underscores. The following are all valid identifiers:

p, hello, Alarm, turn_on, VALUE_123, _

Note: That by convention Dezyne identifiers are also used in the target language, however the target language may impose further restrictions on identifiers.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Lexical Analysis   [Contents][Index]

10.1.2 Keywords

The following list shows identifiers that are reserved words in Dezyne, or keywords. These keywords may not be used as an identifier name.

behavior        blocking        bool            component
defer           else            extern          external
enum            false           if              illegal
import          inevitable      injected        inout
interface       in              namespace       on
optional        otherwise       out             provides
reply           requires        return          subint
system          true

Next: , Previous: , Up: Lexical Analysis   [Contents][Index]

10.1.3 Operators

Dezyne uses infix notation for expressions. The following are operators in Dezyne:

+       -       !
<       >       <=      >=      ==      !=      <=>

10.1.4 Delimiters

The following are delimiters in Dezyne, for introducing lists:

(       )       {       }       $

and for elements in lists:

,       .       ;       =

Next: , Previous: , Up: Lexical Analysis   [Contents][Index]

10.1.5 Lexical Scoping

A lexical scope adds locality to a name. Names in one lexical scope do not interfere (collide or shadow) with another scope. Referring to a scoped identifier

reference ::= scope* identifier
scope ::= identifier "."

Dezyne defines the following scopes:


The field values of an enum:

enum result {TRUE, FALSE, ERROR};

are referenced to by using the enum type name as scope:


A type defined in an interface:

interface ihello
   enum result {TRUE, FALSE, ERROR};

can be used in a component, e.g., to define a variable:

ihello.result status = ihello.result.TRUE;

All definitions in a behavior are local to that behavior and cannot be referenced from outside it13,


A port is an interface instance; events that are communicated over a port use the name of the port as their scope:

provides ihello p;
on p.hello (): ();

An instance (or component instance), is an instance of a component. A port defined in a component

component hello
  provides ihello p;
  requires ihello r;

can be referenced to by using the component instance name as their scope

component sys
  provides ihello sp;
  requires ihello sr;
    hello h;
    sp <=> h.p;
    h.r <=> sr;

Types defined in a namespace are referenced to by using the name of the namespace as their scope.


Dezyne supports single-line and multi-line comments very similar to C. Multi-line comments may be nested. All characters part of a comment are skipped by the parser.

/* This is an example of multi-line comment.
 * The line below is ignored also:
 * this component implements...
component hello
  provides ihello p; // a single-line comment

10.2 Dezyne Files

Dezyne types, interfaces, and components are organized in files. A file, with extension ’.dzn’ by convention, may contain zero or more of type definitions, interfaces, and/or components.

The toplevel Dezyne program text is defined as follows:

text ::= root
root ::= (import | data-expression
           | namespace | type | interface | component)*

An interface can refer to a global type definition. A component can refer to types, interfaces and other components. An explicit import clause is needed when the referred information is defined in another file.

10.2.1 Import

An import clause makes available all types, interfaces and components that are defined in another file. From an imported interface or component the ’public’ parts are available, i.e., all information but the interface or component behavior, or the component system details.

import    ::= "import" (file-name "/")* file-name ";"
file-name ::= [a-zA-Z0-9_+.-]+

Note: That by convention the basename of the Dezyne file-name is used as the target language basename, however the target platform may impose further restrictions on a file-name.

By convention, Dezyne files use the extension .dzn. Some examples:

import file-name.dzn;
import ../global-types.dzn;
import some/directory/prefix/library.dzn;

An imported file may contain imports itself, these are also imported. When a file occurs twice in the resulting set of imports, it is expanded only once. This avoids introducing duplicate definitions. Mutually recursive imports are allowed (See Invoking dzn parse).

10.3 Types and Expressions

In Dezyne all variables and constants are typed. A number of type constructs are available.

type      ::= bool / enum / subint / void
data-type ::= extern

types are used for event reply types, variables, function parameters, function, function return types, and function call arguments. data-types are used for event parameters, action arguments, and variables.

10.3.1 void

void is used for defining untyped events and functions, e.g.,

an event without reply value:

in void hello ();

a function without return value:

void foo ()

Next: , Previous: , Up: Types and Expressions   [Contents][Index]

10.3.2 bool

Dezyne has a builtin boolean type bool with constants false and true.

Available boolean operators are:


Logical negation of a boolean expression,

b1 && b2

Logical and of two boolean expressions,

b1 || b2

Logical or of two boolean expressions,

b1 == b2

Equality of two boolean expressions,

b1 != b2

Inequality of two boolean expressions,

where b, b1, and b2 are boolean expressions.

It is used to define boolean events

in bool test ();

boolean variables

bool idle = true;

and parameters and functions

bool negate (bool input)
  return !input;

Next: , Previous: , Up: Types and Expressions   [Contents][Index]

10.3.3 enum

An interface or component can specify a user defined enumerated type. Such a type has a name and a list of values.

enum   ::= "enum" identifier "{" fields "}" ";"
fields ::= identifier ("," identifier)* ","?

An example:

enum result {FALSE,TRUE,ERROR};

where enum is a keyword; this defines the enum type result with three values.

In expressions the enum values are referred to with a dot notation: result.FALSE.

Available enum operators are:

e1 == e2

Equality of two enum expressions,

e1 != e2

Inequality of two enum expressions,


A field-test: testing the value of an enum variable, denoted by v.ERROR, which is shorthand for v == result.ERROR

where e1 and e2 denote enum expressions, and v an enum variable of type result.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Types and Expressions   [Contents][Index]

10.3.4 subint

The integer type is available in Dezyne in a restricted way14: only a finite contiguous subrange of integer numbers can be used. An explicit type definition is needed for each subset, where a C-like syntax is used.

subint  ::= "subint" identifier "{" range "}" ";"
range   ::= integer ".." integer
integer ::= ("-")? [0-9]+

An example:

subint int {-1..2};

where subint is a keyword. This defines the finite type int with possible values -1, 0, 1, and 2. Available integer operators are:

i1 <= i2
i1 >= i2
i1 > i2
i1 == i2
i1 != i2
i1 + i2,

Integer addition,

i1 - i2

Integer subtraction,

where i1 and i2 denote integers.

note: Integers of different subint types can be used in comparison, assignment, and function calls. The verifier will check that the resulting integer value is within the defined subint range.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Types and Expressions   [Contents][Index]

10.3.5 extern data

Apart from bool, enum, and int types introduced above, also extern data types can be defined. An extern data type is defined as follows:

extern          ::= "extern" identifier data-expression ";"
data-expression ::= "$" (!"$")* "$" | data-variable
data-variable   ::= identifier | port "." identifier

The data-expression is a type expression in the target language.

No Dezyne-supported expressions are available for data types, apart from data-expressions. The content of the data-expression is passed to the target language verbatim.

For example, a C++ string type could be defined as follows:

extern string $std::string$;

10.3.6 Expressions

Expressions in Dezyne are strictly typed.

expression ::= bool-expression | data-expression | enum-expression
                | integer-expression

Note: The well-formedness check (See Well-formedness) verifies that expressions are of the correct type.

Bool Expressions

bool-expression ::= bool-literal
                     | bool-variable
                     | action
                     | call
                     | field-test
                     | "!" bool-expression
                     | "(" bool-expression ")"
                     | bool-expression bool-operator bool-expression
                     | int-expression comparison-operator int-expression
bool-variable   ::= identifier | port "." identifier
bool-literal    ::= "false" | "true"
field-test      ::= enum-variable "." enum-field
enum-variable   ::= identifier | port "." identifier
bool-operator   ::= "==" | "!=" | "&&" | "||"
                ::= "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">="

where action and call are of type bool.

Enum Expressions

enum-expression ::= enum-literal
                     | enum-variable
                     | action
                     | call
enum-literal    ::= enum "." field
enum-variable   ::= identifier | port "." identifier

where action and call are of the correct enum type.

Int Expressions

int-expression  ::= int-literal
                      | subint-variable
                      | action
                      | call
                      | "-" int-expression
                      | "(" int-expression ")"
                      | int-expression int-operator int-expression
subint-variable ::= identifier | port "." identifier
int-literal     ::= "-"? [0-9]+
int-operator    ::= "+" | "-"

where action and call are of a subint type.

10.4 Interfaces

Interfaces describe the interaction between two components: the events (or messages) that can and cannot be communicated, i.e., the interaction protocol.

interface ::= "interface" identifier "{" types-and-events behavior "}"
          ::= (type | event)*
behavior  ::= "behavior" "{" behavior-statement* "}"

Each event has a direction specified by the in or out keywords. An event labeled with in (in-event) is received by the implementation providing the interface. Conversely, an event labeled with out (out-event) is emitted by the implementation providing the interface. Note that from the point of view of an implementation requiring an interface the interpretation of in and out is inverted.

The interface protocol is specified in the behavior section.

$include <string>;$
interface ihello
  enum result {FALSE,TRUE,ERROR};
  extern string $std::string$;
  in result hello (string greeting);
  out void world ();
  behavior { … }

Next: , Up: Interfaces   [Contents][Index]

10.4.1 Events

Events are messages or function calls and returns that are communicated between components.

event     ::= direction type identifier "(" parameter-list? ")" ";"
direction ::= "in" | "out"
          ::= parameter ( "," parameter)*
parameter ::= parameter-direction? data-type identifier
          ::= "in" | "out" | "inout"

Some examples.

A void in-event called e with an empty parameter list:

in void e ();

a typed in-event called e2:

in enum_type e2 ();

a void in-event called e3 with two data parameters

out void e3 (some_id in_id, out some_id out_id);

a void out-event called e4 with a data parameter

out void e4 (some_string s);

Note: There are two restrictions on out-event definitions:

  • out-events must be of type void, and
  • out-events can only take in parameters. Modeling Events

Apart from user-defined events, Dezyne has two special builtin events called optional and inevitable. These are called “modeling events” and are used in interface to specify decoupled behavior (See Using inevitable and optional).

Next: , Previous: , Up: Interfaces   [Contents][Index]

10.4.2 Behavior

The behavior section of an interface defines the protocol of the interface. The protocol prescribes the causal relation between events and state. The behavior is akin to a state machine.

behavior ::= "behavior" "{" behavior-statement* "}"
         ::= type | variable | function | declarative-statement

Up: Behavior   [Contents][Index] Behavior variable

The behavior variables define the state of the behavior. They are sometime referred to as state variables.

variable ::= (type identifier = expression
                | data-type identifier = data-expression
                | data-type identifier) ";"

where type and expression must match.

For example:

bool idle = true;

Note: The expression used in the definition of a behavior variable must be a constant expression, i.e.: no action, call or variable-reference is allowed.

10.4.3 Declarative Statements

A trigger is prescribed by an interface to be handled by an implementation as is the condition under which it occurs. Collectively this is referred to as a declarative statement. The condition is expressed as a guard, the trigger in an on. The code that is executed when both the guard expression evaluates to true and the trigger occurs, is called the imperative statement (See Imperative Statements).

declarative-statement ::= guard | on | "{" declarative-statement "}"

The combination of all declarative statements leading up to a imperative statement is also called the declarative prefix. The combination of all guards, the on and the imperative statement is sometimes referred to as a transition.

transition   ::= prefix imperative-statement
prefix       ::= <guards> <on> on

The on defines which trigger is to be handled:

on        ::= "on" trigger ("," trigger)* ":" statement
trigger   ::= event-name | "inevitable" | "optional"
statement ::= declarative-statement | imperative-statement | illegal
          ::= action | assign | call | if | reply | return | variable
                | imperative-compound
                | empty-statement
illegal   ::= "illegal"
          ::= "{" (imperative-statement ";")+ "}"
          ::= ";" | "{" "}"

For example:

on hello: {}
on inevitable: {world; idle = true;}

When two or more observably distinct imperative statements are specified for a certain trigger, the interface is said to behave non-deterministic with respect to the trigger. For example:

on hello: world;
on hello: cruel;

when the trigger hello is sent, the response can either be world or cruel but which one it will be cannot be predicted. Non-determinism in interfaces is allowed as long as it is observable non-determinism, i.e., after the trigger has returned the client should be able to know which state the interface is in. For example, this is not allowed:

on hello: {}
on hello: idle = true;

and will lead to a verification error (See Verification Checks and Errors).

  • There must be exactly one imperative statement for every combination of guard and on,
  • There can be only one on leading to an imperative statement. guard

guard ::= "[" bool-expression "]" statement

For example:

[idle]  on hello: idle = false;
  on hello: idle = true;
  on inevitable: {world; idle = true;}
} Using inevitable and optional

In interfaces, two modeling events may be used as abstract triggers, i.e. inevitable and optional:

on inevitable: imperative-statement;
on optional:   imperative-statement;

Where inevitable implies that if no other triggers occur, this trigger is guaranteed to occur, and optional implies that the trigger may or may never occur.

Note that an inevitable event is not allways guaranteed to occur, it is only inevitable in the absence of other events.

An example of an interface using both inevitable and optional.

interface inevitable_optional
  in bool hello ();
  in void bye ();
  out void world ();
  out void cruel ();

    enum status {IDLE, WORLD, CRUEL};
    status state = status.IDLE;

      on hello: {state = status.WORLD; reply (true);}
      on hello: {state = status.CRUEL; reply (false);}
    [state.WORLD] on inevitable: {state = status.IDLE; world;}
      on optional: {state = status.WORLD; cruel;}
      on bye: state = status.IDLE;

In the interface above a reply value of true on hello informs the client sending the hello that the world can be waited on. However in case the reply value of hello is false and the client would sit there waiting for cruel to happen, they may sit there forever because cruel might never happen. This is what we refer to as a deadlock. To avoid this deadlock as a client, they must make sure that they can handle a cruel in case it does happen and that they have another way of making progress in case cruel never happens.

Conversely, the implementation of this interface may choose to perform the cruel always, never or intermittently after a hello followed by a false, but it must (being contractually required) always do a world after a hello followed by a true.

10.4.4 Imperative Statements

The imperative statement is the statement that will be executed when a guarded trigger occurs (see also See Declarative Statements). action

When handling a trigger (a in-event), an interface can emit zero or more out-events. The event that follows a trigger is are referred to as an action.

action ::= event-name ";"

where event-name is the name of an out-event defined in the interface.

For example


Next: , Previous: , Up: Imperative Statements   [Contents][Index] assign

The value of a previously defined variable can be updated using an assign:

assign ::= variable "=" expression ";"

For example:

idle = true;
idle = !b;
idle = negate (idle);

where b and idle are variables of type bool, negate is a function with one bool parameter and return-type bool (see See call). call

call          ::= identifier "(" argument-list ")"
argument-list ::= (expression ",")*

For example:

foo ();
bar (true, 12);

Note that the value returned by a call to a non-void function is not allowed to be ignored. Therefore in the example above both foo and bar must be functions of type void. By capturing the value in a variable definition or the use of an assign to an existing variable is the proper way to handle the return value:

bool b = bool_function ();
b = bool_function ();

Another way is to properly use a return value is in simple expressions, possibly combined with: ==, !=, !, &&, || (since 2.14.0)

if (bool_function ()) …;
if (!bool_function ()) …;
if (!bool_function () && b) …;
if (enum_function () == result.FALSE) …;
if (enum_function () != result.TRUE || b) …;
reply (enum_function ());
reply (enum_function () != result.ERROR);

or in any expression (since 2.16.0).

Next: , Previous: , Up: Imperative Statements   [Contents][Index] Empty Statement

The empty statement or skip statement defines for nothing to happen.

empty-statement ::=  ";" | "{" "}"

For example:

on hello: {}
on cruel: ; if

Conditional handling of statements is supported by the if, which can have an optional else:

if ::= ("if" "(" bool-expression ")" imperative-statement)
         | ("if" "(" bool-expression ")" imperative-statement
              "else" imperative-statement)

For example

if (idle)
  {world; idle = false;}

Since 2.14.0, a typed call may be used in an if-expression.

For example:

if (bool_function ()) …;
if (!bool_function ()) …;
if (!bool_function () && b) …;
if (enum_function () == result.TRUE) …;
if (enum_function () != result.ERROR || b) …;

Since 2.16.0, arbitrarily complex expressions may be used.

Note that nested ifs are allowed:

if (b1) if (b2) then-statement else else-statement

is interpreted as

if (b1)
{ if (b2) then-statement else else-statement }

In other words: else binds to the closest if.

Note: In an interface, an illegal is not allowed as a then-statement or an else-statement, however the same can be expressed using a guard.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Imperative Statements   [Contents][Index] illegal

A trigger can be explicitly marked as being illegal in a certain state. In that case, illegal must be the only imperative statement for that trigger.

illegal ::= "illegal" ";"

For example:

on hello: illegal;

Note: Since 2.14.0, a declarative-statement followed by an illegal can be completely omitted, since it has the same meaning. It is however still available for backwards compatibility.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Imperative Statements   [Contents][Index] reply

Define the value to be returned at the end of an on with a typed trigger.

reply ::= "reply" "(" expression ")" ";"

For example:

on hello: reply (true);

Note: Reply does not mean “return”, it merely defines the value that is returned when the on has finished executing. reply does not have to be the final imperative statement, however it must occur exactly once on every path through every sequence statements.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Imperative Statements   [Contents][Index] return

return is used to return program execution from the body of a function to the caller, possibly providing a value.

Implicitly returning from a void function is allowed. Also it is not required to use return as the last statement of a void function, i.e., an early return skipping over remaining statements is allowed.

return ::= "return" ";"
             | "return" expression ";"

For example:

void foo ()
  if (idle) return;

bool negate (bool b)
  return !b;
} variable

Defining a local variable is syntactically identical to a behavior variable:

variable ::= (type identifier = expression
               | data-type identifier = data-expression
               | data-type identifier) ";"

For example:

bool b = true;
bool not_idle = !idle;
bool c = negate (idle);

10.4.5 Functions

A function can is used to name and reuse a sequence of imperative statements.

function ::= type identifier "(" parameter-list ")"
               "{" imperative-statement* "}"

For example:

void foo ()

bool bar (bool b, int i)
  if (b)
  idle = i == 12;
  return idle;

Functions are allowed to be called recursively. This includes mutual recursive functions (function f calling function g and vice versa). However only as long as every function involved in the recursion is tail recursive; which means that a recursive call is the last statement in the function.

10.5 Components

Components are the building blocks in a Dezyne. They allow composition into bigger components called system components.

A component has a list of ports and optionally a behavior or a system block.

component ::= "component" "{" port+ (behavior | system)? "}"
behavior  ::= "behavior" "{" behavior-statement* "}"
system    ::= "system" "{" system-statement* "}"

10.5.1 Ports

A port is an instance of an interface. A component has ports through which it interacts with other components. As such a port is one of the two end-points connecting two components.

port      ::= ("provides" interface-type identifier ";")
              | ("requires" qualifier? interface-type identifier ";")
qualifier ::= "blocking" | "external" | "injected";

The keyword provides indicates that a component implements all of the interface behavior.

The keyword requires indicates that a component relies on some or all of the interface behavior in its implementation.

For example:

provides ihello p;
provides blocking ihello p;      // (1)
requires ihello r;
requires blocking ihello r;      // (2)
requires external itimer t;  // (3)
requires injected ilogger l; // (4)

1) provides port which may potentially block. The blocking qualifier must be used on a provides port when blocking is used in the component’s behavior, or when the blocking qualifier is used on a requires port.

2) requires port which may potentially block. The blocking qualifier must be used on a requires port when the port it is bound to has a blocking qualifier.

3) port to a component with a potential delay in its communication (see external)

4) port to a shared resource (see Systems)

Furthermore a component receives its triggers from its surroundings through its ports. Note that a component trigger is either a provides-in or a requires-out event. If the component emits events over its ports they are referred to as actions. An action is either a provides-out or a requires-in event.

Next: , Up: Ports   [Contents][Index] Injection

A requires port can be specified to be injected:

requires injected ilogger l;

This indicates that the port can be bound to a corresponding port residing at any level in the system hierarchy. An injected port is the exception to the one to one rule, i.e., it allows many ports to be connected to a single instance. For this reason out events are not allowed in interfaces which are injected.

See Systems for a detailed description of the binding of injected ports.

Previous: , Up: Ports   [Contents][Index] external

The external keyword specifies that communication over a requires port may experience a delay. This may for instance be caused by the switch between execution contexts as in inter-process communication or the use of threads.

requires external itimer t;

During verification the delay on an external interface is experienced an additional interleaving of events that would otherwise not occur. Race condition due to external delay

Component remote_timer_proxy illustrates how a delayed communication channel may cause a race condition leading to illegal behavior.

The implementation of component remote_timer_proxy is correct (no illegal behavior) for requires itimer rp but incorrect for requires external itimer rp due to race between pp.cancel and rp.timeout.

extern double $double$;

interface itimer
  in void create (double seconds);
  in void cancel ();
  out void timeout ();
    bool is_armed = false;
    [!is_armed] on create: is_armed = true;
    on cancel: is_armed = false;
    [is_armed] on inevitable: {timeout; is_armed = false;}

component remote_timer_proxy
  provides itimer pp;
  requires external itimer rp;
    bool is_armed = false;
    on pp.create (s):
      [!is_armed] {rp.create (s); is_armed = true;}
    on pp.cancel (): {rp.cancel (); is_armed = false;}
    on rp.timeout ():
      [is_armed] {pp.timeout (); is_armed = false;}

Next: , Previous: , Up: Components   [Contents][Index]

10.5.2 Component Behavior

The behavior section of a component defines its behavior.

behavior           ::= "behavior" "{" behavior-statement* "}"
behavior-statement ::= type | variable | function | declarative-statement

A component behavior describes the communication or the exchange of events between a itself and other components in its environment connected to its ports. Each port is defined by a local name and a behavior refers to these ports by name when it relates triggers and actions (see also See Ports).

10.5.3 Component Types

There are tree types of component:

component, regular component, or leaf

A component that defines its implementation in its behavior,


A component that defines only ports. Its behavior is said to be defined elsewhere. This is a placeholder for a component that is implemented by some other means, like another programming language (e.g. C++),


A component that comprises other components in its system specification, See Systems. A Leaf Component

Every component in Dezyne is a leaf component, unless it is a system component. The following component implements one interface and a straightforward behavior section:

component hello
  provides ihello p;
  requires ihello r;
  requires itimer t;
    on p.hello (): t.create ();
    on t.timeout (): r.hello ();
    on (): ();
} A Foreign Component

This component does not reveal its implementation in Dezyne under this name. It represents a component implemented elsewhere. It may be implemented in another programming language, or it is implemented in Dezyne without exposing any of its implementation details.

component timer
  provides itimer t;
} A System Component

A component timer_system decomposed into two components ihello and timer where these components are connected via their ports.

component timer_system
  provides ihello p;
  requires ihello r;
    hello h;
    timer t;
    p <=> h.p;
    h.t <=> t.t;
    h.r <=> r;

10.5.4 Component Declarative Statements

For a component behavior, the list of declarative statements is extended with blocking (See blocking). So we get:

component-declarative-statement ::= declarative-statement | blocking

Thus, in a component, the “declarative prefix” includes blocking such that the prefix consists of three elements.

transition  ::= prefix imperative-statement
prefix      ::= <blocking?> <guards> <on> Component on

Similar to an interface, in a component the on defines which trigger is to be handled. Component triggers, however, belong to a port and carry formal parameters:

on            ::= ("on" triggers ":" statement)
                  | ("on" illegal-triggers ":" illegal)
triggers      ::= trigger ("," trigger)*
trigger       ::= port-name "." event-name "(" formal-list? ")"
formal-list   ::= formal ("," formal)*
formal        ::= identifier | (identifier formal-binding)
statement     ::= declarative-statement | imperative-statement | illegal
              ::= action | assign | call | if | reply | return | variable
                  | imperative-compound
                  | defer-statement
                  | empty-statement
illegal       ::= "illegal"
              ::= "{" (imperative-statement ";")* "}"
              ::= "defer" argument-list? imperative-statement
argument-list ::= "(" ")" | "(" expression ("," expression)* ")"
              ::= illegal-trigger ("," illegal-trigger)*
              ::= port-name "." event-name

The formal-list to be used is defined by the parameters of the event definition in the interface. Their relation is position-based. Formal parameters may introduce another name than specified in the event definition in the interface.

For example:

on p.hello (greeting): w.hello (greeting);
on p.cruel, r.hello: illegal; // Note this is optional since 2.14.0.

When two or more imperative statements are specified for a certain trigger, the component is said to be non-deterministic. For example:

on p.hello (): w.hello ();
on p.hello (): ;

non-determinism in components is not allowed and will lead to a verification error (See Verification Checks and Errors).

The formal-binding is a feature for blocking and synchronous out event contexts See Formal Binding. blocking

The blocking keyword is a declarative statement that can be used in a component.

blocking ::= "blocking" statement

Using blocking requires an explicit reply. It can only be used in a component. If the reply is omitted for the blocking trigger, the imperative statement of another trigger must perform the reply for the blocked port. Thus, time and value of a blocked port reply depend on another trigger. blocking may be used once in the declarative prefix.

Only provides ports are affected by blocking. A call of a provides port in-event will not return before a reply is performed for that port.

Guards or on is commutative with respect to blocking. If blocking appears before a guard or on it applies to the imperative statement after the guard or on.

  • When blocking is used in component which is not the top component in a system and the system has multiple provides ports, the system must be verified for deadlocks. Merely verifying all individual components is not enough.
  • Systems containing blocking component instances must be contained in a thread-safe shell (see Thread-safe Shell).

For example:

on trigger (): blocking imperative-statement;         (1)
blocking on trigger (): imperative-statement;         (2)
on trigger (): blocking [guard] imperative-statement; (3)
on trigger ():
  blocking [guard] imperative-statement1;             (4)
  [guard] imperative-statement2;


2) The blocking keyword applies to the imperative-statement following on trigger:. This form is semantically equivalent to 1).

3) The blocking keyword applies to the imperative-statement following [guard]. This form is semantically equivalent to on trigger (): [guard] blocking imperative-statement;"

4) The blocking keyword applies to imperative-statement1. It does not apply to imperative-statement2. Formal Binding

A formal binding binds a member variable to an out or inout formal parameter. At the moment of the reply, the value of the bound member variable is assigned to the formal parameter. A formal binding can be used in blocking context or synchronous out event context.

trigger        ::= port-name "." event-name "(" formal-list? ")"
formal-list    ::= formal ("," formal)*
formal         ::= identifier | (identifier formal-binding)
formal-binding ::= "<-" identifier

The identifier in formal-binding must be a member variable of the component.

For example:

extern int $int$;
component blocking_binding
  provides ihello h;
  requires iworld w;

    int g = $123$;
    bool busy = false;
    [!busy] on h.hello (n <- g): blocking {w.hello (); busy = true;}
    [busy] on (): {g = $456$; h.reply (); busy = false;}
    [busy] on w.cruel (): {h.reply (); g = $456$; busy = false;}

in the case of the assignment of g = $456$ before the release of the blocked thread by h.reply () ensures that parameter n returns with value 456. However in the case of w.cruel the caller of h.hello receives 123 via parameter n.

For a synchronous interface iworld with behavior:

on hello: world;
on hello: cruel;

a formal binding can be used in synchronous out event context:

extern int $int$;
component synchronous_out_event_binding
  provides ihello h;
  requires iworld w;

    int g = $123$;

    on h.hello (n <- g): w.hello ();
    on (): {g = $456$; h.reply (true);}
    on w.cruel (): {h.reply (true); g = $456$; ;}

in the case of the assignment of g = $456$ before the reply by h.reply () ensures that parameter n returns with value 456. However in the case of w.cruel the caller of h.hello receives 123 via parameter n.

For a void event without reply:

extern int $int$;
component synchronous_out_event_binding
  provides ihello h;
  requires iworld w;

    int g = $123$;

    on h.hello (n <- g): w.hello ();
    on (): g = $456$;

the caller receives the caller of h.hello receives the last assigned value: 456.

Note: The intent is to simplify this specific behavior in the future when data flow verification is added. Joining Activities

Component join illustrates the use of blocking in synchronizing a starter with the activities of two runners.

interface starter
  in void start_and_wait ();
    on start_and_wait: {}

interface runner
  in void start ();
  out void finished ();
    bool running = false;
    on start: running = true;
    [running] on inevitable: {running = false; finished;}

component join
  provides blocking starter ref;
  requires runner one;
  requires runner two;

    subint Runners {0..2};
    Runners running = 0;

    blocking on ref.start_and_wait ():
      {running = 2; one.start(); two.start ();}
    [running != 1] on one.finished (), two.finished ():
      running = running - 1;
    [running == 1] on one.finished (), two.finished ():
      {running = 0; ref.reply ();}

10.5.5 Component Imperative Statements Component action

When handling the response of a trigger, a component can send one or more events over its ports. The sending of a provides-out-event or a requires-in event is referred to as an action.

action        ::= port-name "." event-name argument-list
argument-list ::= "(" ")" | "(" expression ("," expression)* ")"

where port-name is the name of a port defined in the component, and event-name is the name of an event defined in the interface associated with the port.

Note that the event in an action statement must be of type void. For a typed action the reply value may not be ignored. A variable definition or an assign are the appropriate ways to handle a reply value:

bool b = r.bool_event ();
b = r.bool_event2 ();

or it can be used directly in a simple expression, optionally in combination with ==, !=, !, &&, or || (since 2.14.0)

if (r.bool_event ()) …;
if (!r.bool_event ()) …;
if (!r.bool_event () && b) …;
if (r.enum_event () == result.FALSE) …;
if (r.enum_event () != result.TRUE || b) …;
reply (r.enum_event ());
reply (r.enum_event () != result.ERROR);

or in any expression (since 2.16.0).

Note: The restriction of using only one action or call in an expression has been lifted (since 2.16.0). Component if

In a component an illegal can be used as an imperative statement in the branch of an if as any other imperative statement (See Component illegal).

if ::= ("if" "(" bool-expression ")" then-statement)
         | ("if" "(" bool-expression ")" then-statement
            "else" else-statement)
then-statement := imperative-statement | illegal
else-statement := imperative-statement | illegal

For example:

if (error) illegal;

Since 2.14.0, one typed action or typed call may be used in an if-expression.

Since 2.16.0, arbitrarily complex expressions may be used.

For example:

if (r.bool_event ()) …;
if (!r.bool_event ()) …;
if (!r.bool_event () && b) …;
if (r.enum_event () == result.FALSE) …;
if (r.enum_event () != result.TRUE || b) …;
if (bool_function ()) …;
if (!bool_function ()) …;
if (!bool_function () && b) …;
if (enum_function () == result.TRUE) …;
if (enum_function () != result.ERROR || b) …; Component illegal

A trigger can be explicitly marked as illegal. In that case, illegal must be the only imperative statement for that trigger.

on      ::= "on" illegal-triggers ":" illegal
        ::= illegal-trigger ("," illegal-trigger)*
        ::= port-name "." event-name
illegal ::= "illegal" ";"

Note that in this case the trigger’s formal parameter list may be omitted.

For example:

on p.hello,r,world: illegal;

Note: A trigger with an illegal response can also be omitted since an illegal response is the default behavior for every trigger.

In a component an illegal can be used as an imperative statement in the branch of an if as any other imperative statement (See Component if). Component reply

A typed trigger event requires an appropriate return value in its response handling, the reply only determines the value not the moment of returning it:

  reply (typed_expression);

reply is also used to release a blocked call (See blocking), or set the reply value from a synchrous context like so:

  port.reply ();
  port.reply (expression); Component defer

defer is a keyword that may be placed in front of an imperative statement.

              ::= "defer" argument-list? imperative-statement
argument-list ::= "(" ")" | "(" expression ("," expression)* ")"

defer indicates that the execution of the corresponding statement must be postponed at least until after returning back to the caller. Note that in order for the deferred statement to execute, the surrounding system must have reached an overall state where it can accept new activating events, i.e., this state is a system wide run to completion state.

The primary goal of defer is to decouple the execution of an imperative statement from the caller. This allows implementing an asynchronous interface almost as concisely as implementing it synchronously, as demonstrated by the example below.

interface ihelloworld
  in void hello ();
  out void world ();
    bool idle = true;
    on hello: world;
    [idle] on hello: idle = false;
    [!idle] on inevitable: {
      idle = true;

component synchronous_asynchronous
  provides ihelloworld h;
    bool synchronous = false;
    [synchronous] on h.hello (): ();
    [!synchronous] on h.hello (): {
      synchronous = true;
      defer {
        synchronous = false; ();

Here we can observe the difference between synchronous and asynchronous behavior once more. When the synchronous boolean equals true the world action occurs in the context, e.g. between the hello and its return. When synchronous equals false the world action occurs after the return. This behavior is clearly depicted by the following state diagram.


Perhaps the idle state might seem superfluous in the example above, however it is not. Besides resulting in component behavior which is not compliant with its interface, removing the idle state and the corresponding guard would allow a client to do multiple consecutive h.hello’s, which results in an overflow of the defer queue.

Besides state playing a role in avoiding defer queue overflow, there is another aspect related to state and the use of defer. In order for the deferred statement to execute, the component must remain in the same state as it was at the time of invoking defer. Anything that changes the state of the component after invoking defer but before the deferred statement executes will remove it from the queue, and thereby implicitly cancel it. This is demonstrated by the example below. Note that a data member variable is not part of the component state, and changing its value does not cancel the deferred statement.

interface ihellocruelworld
  in void hello ();
  in void cruel ();
  out void world ();
    bool idle = true;
    [idle] on hello: idle = false;
    [!idle] on inevitable: {
      idle = true;
    on cruel: idle = true;
component defer_cancel
  provides ihellocruelworld h;
    bool idle = true;
    [idle] on h.hello (): {
      idle = false;
      defer {
        idle = true; ();
    on h.cruel (): idle = true;

Here we see that the cruel event makes the component idle again and in compliance with the interface this implies that the world event can no longer occur. The corresponding component state diagram is depicted below.


The ability to cancel a deferred statement is not always desirable. The way to influence the skip behavior is to add an argument list of state variables to the defer keyword. This limits the scope of the state which is observed by defer in deciding when to skip the execution. The two extreme cases are:

  • The full list of variables, which is equivalent to defer without an arument list.
  • The empty list of variables, which removes ability to cancel entirely.

We can see an example of a defer argument list below.

interface ihelloworld
  in void hello ();
  out void world ();
    bool idle = true;
    on hello: world;
    [idle] on hello: idle = false;
    [!idle] on inevitable: {
      idle = true;

interface icruel
  in void cruel();
    on cruel: {}

component defer_selection
  provides ihelloworld h;
  provides icruel c;
    bool synchronous = false;
    bool cruel = false;
    on c.cruel(): cruel = !cruel;
    [synchronous] on h.hello (): ();
    [!synchronous] on h.hello (): {
      synchronous = true;
      defer(synchronous) {
        synchronous = false; ();

Here the execution of the deferred statement must remain unaffected by the change to the cruel state variable. We can achieve this by only observing the state variable as the example shows or not observing any state at all. The latter case is left as an exercise to the reader.

10.5.6 Multiple Provides Ports

A component is not limited to a single provides port, it is allowed to offer multiple interfaces simultaneously. When a component provides multiple ports it can receive in-events via any of its provides ports. As a result the interface behaviors of the provides ports are effectively interleaved and the component is expected to handle that appropriately.

When providing multiple ports, two restrictions hold for the component behavior:


Within the handling of an in-event of a provides port, it is not allowed to directly post an out-event on another provides port.


Within the handling of an out-event of a requires port, it is not allowed to post an out-event to more than one provides port.

The rationale behind both limitations is that if V-forking or Y-forking would be allowed that it potentially leads to behavior which is beyond the scope of single component verification.

Violating of any of these restrictions is reported as a compliance error.

Here are examples of the two types of forking that lead to a compliance error:

interface ihello
  in void hello();
  out void world();
    on hello: {}
    on optional: world;

component v_fork
  provides ihello left;
  provides ihello right;
    on left.hello():
    {; //is non-compliant with interface(s) of provides port(s)
    on right.hello(): {}

component y_fork
  provides ihello left;
  provides ihello right;
  requires ihello r;
    on left.hello(), right.hello(): {}
    {;; //is non-compliant with interface(s) of provides port(s)

10.6 Systems

A system component, or system is a component which is composed from one or more sub components. The system block instantiates each of the sub components and either connects their ports together or exposes them as its own, such that all ports are bound.

system-component ::= "component" "{" port* system "}"
system           ::= "system" "{" system-statement* "}"
system-statement ::= (instance | binding)
instance         ::= component-name identifier ";"
binding          ::= end-point "<=>" end-point ";"
end-point        ::= port-name
                     | wildcard
                     | (instance-name "." port-name)
                     | (instance-name "." wildcard)
wildcard         ::= "*"

Note: A binding can have only one wildcard, See Using Injection.

For example:

interface i
  in void event();
  behavior {}

component c
  provides i pp;
  requires i rr;

component top_middle_bottom
  provides i p;
  requires i r;
    c top;
    c middle;
    c bottom;
    p <=> top.pp;
    top.rr <=> middle.pp;
    middle.rr <=> bottom.pp;
    bottom.rr <=> r;

The system description shows the instantiation of the two component instances ci1 and ic2 and two connections or bindings between ports.

Next: , Up: Systems   [Contents][Index]

10.6.1 Component Instances

In a system description a sub component is specified by its type and local name:

instance ::= component-name identifier ";"

The component definition of component-name has to be available, potentially through an import.

It is allowed to have more than one instance of the same type:

hello h1;
hello h2;

Previous: , Up: Systems   [Contents][Index]

10.6.2 Binding

Communication between components is achieved through component ports. The lines of communication are established by binding ports:

binding   ::= end-point "<=>" end-point ";"
end-point ::= port-name
              | wildcard
              | (instance-name "." port-name)
              | (instance-name "." wildcard)
wildcard  ::= "*"

Note that bindings are symmetrical, i.e., left and right end-points can be exchanged. Communication is restricted to ports of the same (interface) type. Moreover the communication ’direction’ has to be compatible. There are two cases:

  • Two sub components communicating: always a provides port binds to a requires port, like in top.rr <=> middle.pp in the top_middle_bottom system example above.
  • In the case of port forwarding, where a sub-component port is exposed as a system port, the directions of the ports must be the same, like in p <=> top.pp and bottom.rr <=> r in the top_middle_bottom system example above.

Up: Binding   [Contents][Index] Using Injection

Binding of injected ports is done at a higher system level (see Components). A wild-card character (*) is used to achieve the binding of the provides port of a single instance to all injected requires ports.

Let’s take a logging interface as an example:

interface ilog
component logger
  provides ilog log;

Suppose a lot of components require logging:

component some_component12
  provides some_interface12 p;
  requires injected ilog l;
component some_component13 {
  provides some_interface13 p;
  requires injected ilog l;

then some system component can bind all logging in one go:

component some_system
    logger clog;
    some_component12 c12;
    some_component13 c13;
    clog.log <=> *;

It is allowed to group some components in a sub system:

component some_sub_system
  system {
    some_component12 c12;
    some_component13 c13;

and use the wild-card binding for that sub system:

component some_system
    logger clog;
    some_sub_system subsys;
    clog.log <=> subsys.*;

10.7 Namespaces

All component, interface, and type definitions are defined in a namespace, which provides name scoping. The scope is used as a prefix when referring to the name from another scope.

namespace      ::= "namespace" compound-identifier "{" namespace-root "}"
namespace-root ::= (namespace | type | interface | component)*
               ::= scope* identifier
scope          ::= identifier "."

For example:

namespace space
  extern string $std::string$;
  interface ihello
     enum result {FALSE, TRUE, ERROR};
     in result hello (string s);
     out void world ();
       on hello (s): reply (result.TRUE);

10.7.1 Namespace Extension

It is allowed to spread the definition of types, interfaces, components, and sub-namespaces over multiple instances of a namespace scope. This is most useful since in a ’real’ project definitions are spread over multiple files.


namespace space
  extern string $std::string$;
  interface ihello { ...  }

is equivalent to

namespace space
  extern string $std::string$;
namespace space
  interface ihello { ...  }

10.7.2 Referencing

When within namespace space the type string is defined, then outside that namespace it is referred to by prefixing it with the name of that namespace and a dot, as in: space.string.

Within its own namespace the short name string is also accepted.

In complex cases it may be necessary to refer to the default global namespace which has an empty name; this results in a namespace prefix starting with a dot, as can be seen in the following (somewhat convoluted) example.

namespace foo {
  interface I {
    enum Bool {F,T};
    in Bool e();
    out void a();
    behavior {
      on e: {a; reply (Bool.T); }
namespace inner {
  namespace foo {
    interface I {
      enum Bool {f,t};
      in Bool e();
      out void a();
      behavior { }
  component space {
    provides foo.I inner;
    provides .foo.I fooi;
    behavior {
      foo.I.Bool inner_state = foo.I.Bool.t;
      .foo.I.Bool foo_state = .foo.I.Bool.T;
      on inner.e(): { }
      on fooi.e(): { }
namespace bar {
  component c {
    provides foo.I i;
    behavior {
      foo.I.Bool state = foo.I.Bool.T;
      on i.e(): { }

which defines:

  • interface foo.I with local enum foo.I.Bool
  • interface with local enum
  • component
  • component bar.c

The two variables defined in component have types foo.I.Bool and .foo.I.Bool respectively. The first type expands to since it is defined in namespace inner. The starting dot in the second definition prevents this expansion.

11 Well-formedness

The syntax as defined in Dezyne Language Reference leaves room for certain combinations and variations that would lead to Dezyne code that cannot be translated to an mCRL2 process algebra specification. This chapter describes a collection of well-formedness checks that are defined on top of the syntax.

Apart from the syntax checks performed by the parser, five additional categories of checks can be identified:

definition checks

Upon failure, these produce a undefined identifier error,

parameter checks

Upon failure, these produce a count mismatch error,

type checks

Upon failure, these produce a type-mismatch error,

shadowing checks

Upon failure, these produce a shadowing error,

well-formedness checks

Semantic checks, a.k.a. “well-formedness” checks. Upon failure, these produce a well-formedness error.

The first four categories are common programming errors and should not need additional explanation. The last category—the well-formedness checks—are unique to Dezyne and are described in this chapter.

11.1 Well-formedness Checks Categories

Well-formedness checks on the behavior part of a model come in a number of categories:

Top level

Interface, event and component definitions.


triggers and actions are expected at different places depending on the direction of their event.


The imperative part of the language (assigns, actions, function calls) are only allowed in an imperative statement or in a function body,


The use of statements within compounds is restricted,


The usage of reply,

Valued Actions and Calls

The use of non-void actions and calls,


The use of injected ports,


A function body should be imperative, and have a well-defined return.

Data Parameters

The use of data parameters,


The use of injected ports,


All ports should be bound correctly.

Note: A trigger is an event that occurs and is prefixed by on in the behavior, an action is an event that is emitted inside the imperative body of a trigger.

11.2 List of Well-formedness Checks

The well-formedness checks in alphabetical order:

See action in member variable initializer,
See action outside on,
See action value discarded,
See assign outside on,
See call in member variable initializer,
See call value discarded,
See Cannot bind external port to non-external port,
See Cannot bind port to port,
See Cannot bind two wildcards,
See Cannot bind wildcard to requires port,
See Cannot use blocking in an interface,
See Cannot use event as action,
See Cannot use event as trigger,
See Cannot use illegal in function,
See Cannot use illegal in if-statement,
See Cannot use illegal with imperative statements,
See Cannot use inout-parameter on out-event,
See Cannot use otherwise guard more than once,
See Cannot use otherwise guard with non-guard statements,
See Cannot use out-parameter on out-event,
See Cannot use return outside of function,
See Cannot use statement after recursive call,
See Component with behavior must define a provides port,
See Component with behavior must have a trigger,
See Declarative statement expected,
See Formal binding is not a data member variable,
See Imperative statement expected,
See injected port has out-events,
See instance in in a cyclic binding,
See Interface must define a behavior,
See Interface must define an event,
See Missing return,
See Must specify provides-port with reply,
See Must specify provides-port with reply on out-trigger,
See Nested blocking used,
See Nested on used,
See out-event must be void,
See port is bound more than once,
See port not bound,
See port not bound – of instance,
See System composition is recursive,
See Type mismatch: parameter expected extern.

11.3 Well-formedness – Top level

These checks are concerned about interface, event and component definitions.

11.3.1 Interface must define an event

Completely “passive” interfaces are not allowed; at least one in-event or out-event is required:

interface interface_without_event
  behavior {}

This results in the following error message:

interface-without-event.dzn:1:1: error: interface must define an event

11.3.2 Interface must define a behavior

Interfaces without behavior are not allowed. No adequate default behavior is available:

interface interface_without_behavior
  in void hello ();

This results in the following error message:

interface-without-behavior.dzn:3:3: error: event `hello' is not used in
    behavior of interface `interface_without_behavior'
interface-without-behavior.dzn:1:1: error: interface must define a

11.3.3 out-event must be void

Only in-events can have a non-void type.

interface typed_out_event
  out bool world ();
  behavior {on optional:bool b = world;}

This results in the following error message:

typed-out-event.dzn:3:3: error: out-event `world' must be void, found

11.3.4 Component with behavior must have a trigger

Any component with a behavior specification is supposed to be ’reactive’. This implies that it should have at least one provides interface with an in-event, or at least one requires Interface with an out-event. Such an event acts as a trigger for the component to react on. So-called “active” components are not supported.

An example:

interface iworld
  out void world ();
  behavior {on optional:world;}

component component_provides_without_trigger
  provides iworld p;
  behavior {}

This results in the following error message:

component-provides-without-trigger.dzn:7:1: error: component with
    behavior must have a trigger

Another example:

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
  behavior {on hello:{}}

component component_requires_without_trigger
  requires ihello r;
  behavior {}

This results in the following error messages:

component-requires-without-trigger.dzn:7:1: error: component with
    behavior must define a provides port
component-requires-without-trigger.dzn:7:1: error: component with
    behavior must have a trigger

11.3.5 Component with behavior must define a provides port

Any component with a behavior specification must have a provides port through which the component is activated.

An example:

interface iworld
  in void hello ();
  behavior {on hello:{}}

component component_without_provides
  requires iworld r;
  behavior {}

The examples results in the following error messages:

component-without-provides.dzn:7:1: error: component with behavior must
    define a provides port
component-without-provides.dzn:7:1: error: component with behavior must
    have a trigger

11.4 Well-formedness – Directional

triggers and actions are expected at different places, depending on the direction of their event.

11.4.1 Cannot use event as action

In an interface this indicates the an in-event–that can only be used as a trigger—is used as an action in the imperative body of an on.

interface interface_trigger_used_as_action
  in void hello ();
    on hello: hello;

This results in the following error message:

interface-trigger-used-as-action.dzn:6:15: error: cannot use in-event
    `hello' as action
interface-trigger-used-as-action.dzn:3:3: info: event `hello' defined

in a component this indicates that either it is an in-event of a provides interface, or an out-event of a requires interface that is used as an action in the imperative body of an on.

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
  out void world ();
  behavior {on hello:world;}

component component_trigger_used_as_action
  provides ihello p;
  requires ihello r;
    on p.hello ():
      p.hello (); ();

This results in the following error messages:

component-trigger-used-as-action.dzn:16:7: error: cannot use provides
    in-event `hello' as action
component-trigger-used-as-action.dzn:10:3: info: port `p' defined here
component-trigger-used-as-action.dzn:3:3: info: event `hello' defined
component-trigger-used-as-action.dzn:17:7: error: cannot use requires
    out-event `world' as action
component-trigger-used-as-action.dzn:11:3: info: port `r' defined here
component-trigger-used-as-action.dzn:4:3: info: event `world' defined

11.4.2 Cannot use event as trigger

In an interface this indicates an out-event is used as a trigger.

interface interface_action_used_as_trigger
  out void world ();
    on world: {}

This results in the following error message:

interface-action-used-as-trigger.dzn:6:8: error: cannot use out-event
    `world' as trigger
interface-action-used-as-trigger.dzn:3:3: info: event `world' defined

in a component this indicates that either it is an out-vent of a provides interface, or an in-event of a requires interface that is used as a trigger.

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
  out void world ();
  behavior {on hello:world;}

component component_action_used_as_trigger
  provides ihello p;
  requires ihello r;
    on (): {}
    on r.hello (): {}

This results in the following error messages:

component-action-used-as-trigger.dzn:14:8: error: cannot use provides
    out-event `world' as trigger
component-action-used-as-trigger.dzn:10:3: info: port `p' defined here
component-action-used-as-trigger.dzn:4:3: info: event `world' defined
component-action-used-as-trigger.dzn:15:8: error: cannot use requires
    in-event `hello' as trigger
component-action-used-as-trigger.dzn:11:3: info: port `r' defined here
component-action-used-as-trigger.dzn:3:3: info: event `hello' defined

11.5 Well-formedness – Nesting

Dezyne statements are either declarative or imperative. One or more declarative statements must be used as a prefix to the imperative statement (See Declarative Statements). Imperative statements cannot be used without a “declarative prefix”, and declarative statements cannot be used inside an imperative statement

11.5.1 assign outside on

An assign occurred outside the scope of a declarative context:

interface assign_outside_on
  in void hello ();
    bool b = true;
    [true] b = false;
    on hello: {}

This results in the following error message:

assign-outside-on.dzn:7:12: error: assign outside on

11.5.2 action outside on

An action occurred outside the scope of a declarative context:

interface action_outside_on
  out void world ();
    [true] world;

This results in the following error message:

action-outside-on.dzn:6:12: error: action outside on

11.5.3 Nested on used

interface nested_on
  in void hello ();
  in void cruel ();
  out void world ();
    on hello: on cruel: world;

This results in the following error message:

nested-on.dzn:8:15: error: nested on used
nested-on.dzn:8:5: info: within on here

11.5.4 Nested blocking used

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
    on hello:;

component nested_blocking
  provides blocking ihello p;
    blocking on p.hello (): [true] blocking p.reply ();

This results in the following error message:

nested-blocking.dzn:15:36: error: nested blocking used
nested-blocking.dzn:15:5: info: within blocking here

11.5.5 Cannot use blocking in an interface

Event handling can be ’blocking’ in component behavior only. It is not allowed in interfaces. So:

interface blocking_in_interface
  in void hello ();
    blocking on hello:;

This results in the following error message:

blocking-in-interface.dzn:6:5: error: cannot use blocking in an

11.6 Well-formedness – Mixing

A behavior description introduces a sequence of statements. A statement itself can be a compound, which is a sequence of statements between curly braces.

In order to be able to define clear semantics, there are some restrictions on the mix of statements in such a sequence.

11.6.1 Declarative statement expected

If a compound statement starts with a declarative statement, all other statements must be declarative statements.

interface mixing_declarative
  in void hello ();
      on hello: {}
      if (true);

This results in the following error messages:

mixing-declarative.dzn:9:7: error: declarative statement expected
mixing-declarative.dzn:9:7: error: if outside on
mixing-declarative.dzn:9:16: error: imperative compound outside on

11.6.2 Imperative statement expected

If a compound statement starts with an imperative statement, all other statements must be imperative statements.

interface mixing_imperative
  in void hello ();
    bool b = true;
    on hello:
      b = false;
      [b] b = false;

This results in the following error message:

mixing-imperative.dzn:10:7: error: imperative statement expected

11.6.3 Cannot use otherwise guard more than once

An otherwise guard catches the remaining cases for a list of guards. For that reason it is not allowed to have more than one otherwise statement in a list. So:

interface second_otherwise
  in void hello ();
  in void cruel ();
  in void world ();
    bool b = true;
    [b] on hello: b = false;
    [otherwise] on world: b = true;
    [otherwise] on cruel: {}

This results in the following error message:

second-otherwise.dzn:11:5: error: cannot use otherwise guard more than
second-otherwise.dzn:10:5: info: first otherwise here

11.6.4 Cannot use otherwise guard with non-guard statements

An otherwise guard catches the remaining cases for a list of guards. For that reason it is not allowed combine an otherwise statement with a non-guard. So:

interface otherwise_without_guard
  in void hello ();
  in void cruel ();
    on hello: {}
    [otherwise] on cruel: {}

This results in the following error message:

otherwise-without-guard.dzn:8:5: error: cannot use otherwise guard with
    non-guard statements
otherwise-without-guard.dzn:7:5: info: non-guard statement here

11.6.5 Cannot use illegal with imperative statements

An illegal statement must occur on its own; no other actions or assigns are allowed. That also applies if the illegal occurs in a nested compound:

interface imperative_illegal
  in void hello ();
    bool b = false;
    on hello:
      b = true;

This results in the following error message:

imperative-illegal.dzn:10:7: error: cannot use illegal with imperative
imperative-illegal.dzn:9:7: info: imperative statement here

In a component, using an illegal within a conditional statement is allowed. Also the condition may be accompanied by other actions, e.g:

interface ihello
  in void hello();
    on hello: {}

component component_if_illegal
  provides ihello p;
    bool b = true;
    on p.hello():
      b = false;
      if (b)

11.6.6 Cannot use illegal in if-statement

In an interface, a trigger can only be declared illegal in a direct way. This is due to the declarative character of interfaces. To be more specific, it must not occur in an if. An example:

interface interface_if_illegal
  in void hello ();
    bool b = false;
    on hello:
      if (b)

This results in the following error message:

interface-if-illegal.dzn:10:9: error: cannot use illegal in if-statement

11.6.7 Cannot use illegal in function

In an interface, a trigger can only be declared illegal in a direct way. This is due to the declarative character of interfaces. To be more specific, it must not occur in a function body. An example:

interface interface_function_illegal
  in void hello ();
    void f ()
    on hello: f ();

This results in the following error message:

interface-function-illegal.dzn:8:7: error: cannot use illegal in

11.7 Well-formedness – Reply

A reply is required in the handling of a typed (i.e. non-void) trigger. It is also required in case a trigger (which in this case might be void) is used in blocking mode; in that case the occurrence of the reply might be postponed. In general this is hard to check statically. What can be checked is described below.

11.7.1 Must specify provides-port with reply on out-trigger

When a reply is used in the body of a requires-out trigger, and the component has multiple provides ports, the reply must specify which port it belongs to:

interface ihello
  in bool hello ();
    on hello: reply (true);
    on hello: reply (false);

interface iworld
  in void hello ();
  out void world ();
    on hello: world;

component requires_reply_needs_provides_port
  provides ihello left;
  provides ihello right;
  requires iworld r;
    on left.hello (): reply (true);
    on right.hello (): reply (false);
    on (): reply ();

This results in the following error message:

requires-reply-needs-provides-port.dzn:30:20: error: must specify a
    provides-port with reply on requires out-trigger: `'

11.7.2 Must specify provides-port with reply

When a reply is used in the body of a function, and the component has multiple provides ports, the reply must specify which port it belongs to:

interface ihello
  in bool hello ();
    on hello: reply (true);
    on hello: reply (false);

component function_reply_needs_provides_port
  provides ihello left;
  provides ihello right;
    void f (bool b)
      left.reply (b);
    void g (bool b)
      reply (b);
    on left.hello (): f (true);
    on right.hello (): g (false);

This results in the following error message:

function-reply-needs-provides-port.dzn:23:7: error: must specify a
    provides-port with reply

11.8 Well-formedness – Valued Actions and Calls

Both actions and function calls can be typed, and as such are considered to be expressions. They can only be called are from the imperative statement. The reason is that actions and function calls (at least the functions that contain actions) cause a side effect.

This means that actions or function calls cannot be used to initialize the value of a global variable in a behavior, neither can it be used in a guard statement.

11.8.1 action in member variable initializer

An action is used in the initial value of a member variable.

interface ihello
  in bool hello ();
    on hello: reply (true);

component action_in_member_definition
  provides ihello p;
  requires ihello r;
    bool b = r.hello ();

This results in the following error message:

action-in-member-definition.dzn:16:14: error: action in member variable

11.8.2 call in member variable initializer

A function call is used in the initial value of a member variable.

interface ihello
  in bool hello ();
    on hello: reply (true);

component call_in_member_definition
  provides ihello p;
  requires ihello r;
    bool f () {return false;}
    bool b = f ();

This results in the following error message:

call-in-member-definition.dzn:17:14: error: call in member variable

11.8.3 action value discarded

A typed Action is called without using its return value.

interface ihello
  in bool hello ();
    on hello: reply (true);

component action_discard_value
  provides ihello p;
  requires ihello r;
    on p.hello (): r.hello ();

This results in the following error message:

action-discard-value.dzn:16:20: error: action value discarded

11.8.4 call value discarded

A typed function is called without using its return value.

interface call_discard_value
  in void hello ();
    bool f ()
      return true;

    on hello: f ();

This results in the following error message:

call-discard-value.dzn:11:15: error: call value discarded

11.9 Well-formedness – Injection

Not every port can be injected.

11.9.1 injected port has out-events

When a Component has a requires injected port, its interface must not have out-events.

interface ihello
  in bool hello ();
  out void world ();
    on hello: world;

component injected_with_out_event
  provides ihello p;
  requires injected ihello r;

This results in the following error message:

injected-with-out-event.dzn:14:3: error: injected port `r' has out
    events: world
injected-with-out-event.dzn:4:3: info: port defined here

11.10 Well-formedness – Functions

  • A function body can only contain imperative statements, including actions. See the sections on ’Mixing’ and ’Direction’ above,
  • A typed function is required to have an explicit return,
  • A return is only allowed in a function body,
  • A recursive function is required to be tail recursive.

11.10.1 Missing return

A typed function should return a value using the return statement. An error is issued when a return is not guaranteed. An example:

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
    on hello: {}

component function_missing_return
  provides ihello p;
    bool a = true;
    bool b = false;
    bool c = true;
    bool func ()
      if (a && b)
        return true;
      else if (c)

This results in the following error message:

function-missing-return.dzn:22:12: error: missing return

11.10.2 Cannot use return outside of function

A return statement is restricted to function body. So:

interface return_outside_function
  in void hello ();
    on hello: return;

This results in the following error message:

return-outside-function.dzn:6:15: error: cannot use return outside of

11.10.3 Cannot use statement after recursive call

A function that is recursive must be tail recursive, i.e., in its body any recursive function call shall not be followed by other statements. So:

interface function_not_tail_recursive
  in void hello ();
    void f ()
      bool b = false;
      if (b)
        f ();
        b = true;
    on hello: f ();

This results in the following error message:

function-not-tail-recursive.dzn:11:9: error: cannot use statement after
    recursive call
function-not-tail-recursive.dzn:12:9: info: statement after call

Note: Two functions f and g that are defined in terms of each other are mutual recursive and are thus also considered to be recursive.

11.11 Well-formedness – Data Parameters

The restrictions on data parameters are summarised here.

11.11.1 Type mismatch: parameter expected extern

All event parameters specified in an event definition must be data parameters; in other words, they must have a data type. An example:

extern int $int$;
interface event_with_bool_porameter
  in void hello (bool b);
  behavior {on hello:{}}

This results in the following error message:

event-with-bool-parameter.dzn:4:18: error: type mismatch: parameter `b';
    expected extern, found: `bool'

11.11.2 Cannot use out-parameter on out-event

An out-event must not have an out-parameter.

extern int $int$;
interface out_parameter_on_out_event
  out void world (out int value);
  behavior {on optional:world;}

This results in the following error message:

out-parameter-on-out-event.dzn:4:19: error: cannot use out-parameter on
    out-event `world'

11.11.3 Cannot use inout-parameter on out-event

An out-event must not have an inout-parameter. An example:

extern int $int$;
interface inout_parameter_on_out_event
  out void world (inout int value);
  behavior {on optional:world;}

This results in the following error message:

inout-parameter-on-out-event.dzn:4:19: error: cannot use inout-parameter
    on out-event `world'

11.11.4 Formal binding is not a data member variable

Formal binding, which is the binding of a data member variable data to an event parameter p using the p <- data construct, is only allowed in a component, in an on context. Using <- in any other context is reported as a parse error.

extern int $int$;
interface ihello
  in void hello (int i);
  in void cruel (int i);
    on hello:;
    on cruel:;

component parse_out_binding
  provides blocking ihello p;
    bool b = false;
    int data;
    blocking on p.hello (i <- data): {}
    blocking on p.cruel (b <- data): {}
    blocking on p.cruel (data <- i): {}
    blocking on p.cruel (k <- b): {}

This results in the following error messages:

out-binding-reversed.dzn:22:26: error: formal binding `i' is not a data
    member variable
out-binding-reversed.dzn:23:26: error: formal binding `b' is not a data
    member variable

11.12 Well-formedness – System

In a system, the component’s ports and all sub component’s ports must be bound correctly.

Bindings in which ‘’wildcards” are involved will be described at the end of this section.

11.12.1 port not bound

No binding is specified for a port of a system.

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
  behavior {on hello:{}}

component port_not_bound
  provides ihello p;
  system {}

This results in the following error message:

port-not-bound.dzn:9:3: error: port `p' of type `ihello' not bound

11.12.2 port not bound – of instance

No binding is specified for a port of a component instance.

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
  behavior {on hello:{}}

component hello
  provides ihello p;
  behavior {}

component instance_port_not_bound
    hello h;

This results in the following error message:

instance-port-not-bound.dzn:17:5: error: port `p' of type `ihello'
    not bound

11.12.3 port is bound more than once

More than one binding is specified for a port of a system or one of its component instances:

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
  behavior {on hello:{}}

component hello
  provides ihello p;
  behavior {}

component instance_port_not_bound
  provides ihello p;
    hello h;
    hello i;
    p <=> h.p;
    p <=> i.p;

This results in the following error messages:

port-bound-twice.dzn:20:5: error: port `p' is bound more than once
port-bound-twice.dzn:21:5: error: port `p' is bound more than once

11.12.4 Cannot bind port to port

The directions of the left and right port mentioned in the binding do not match. The following constructs are allowed:

  • When binding a port of the system to a port of a component instance, the directions must be the same:
    • provides binds to provides
    • requires binds to requires
  • When binding a port of the system to another port of the system Component, the directions must be the opposite:
    • provides binds to requires or vice versa.
  • When binding a port of a component instance to a port of another (or the same) component instance, the directions must be the opposite:
    • provides binds to requires or vice versa.
interface ihello
  in bool hello ();
  behavior {on hello:{}}

component hello
  provides ihello p;
  requires ihello r;
  behavior {}

component world
  provides ihello p;
  behavior {}

component instance_port_not_bound
  provides ihello p;
    hello h;
    world w;
    p <=> h.r;
    h.p <=> w.p;

This results in the following error messages:

binding-mismatch-direction.dzn:27:5: error: cannot bind provides port
    `p' to requires port `r'
binding-mismatch-direction.dzn:22:3: info: port `p' defined here
binding-mismatch-direction.dzn:10:3: info: port `r' defined here
binding-mismatch-direction.dzn:28:5: error: cannot bind provides port
    `p' to provides port `p'
binding-mismatch-direction.dzn:16:3: info: port `p' defined here
binding-mismatch-direction.dzn:9:3: info: port `p' defined here

11.12.5 Cannot bind two wildcards

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
  behavior {on hello:{}}

component hello
  provides ihello p;
  requires injected ihello r;
  behavior {}

component logger
  provides ihello p;
  behavior {}

component binding_two_wildcards
  provides ihello p;
    hello h;
    logger log;

    p <=> h.p;
    log.* <=> *;

This results in the following error messages:

binding-two-wildcards.dzn:29:5: error: cannot bind two wildcards
binding-two-wildcards.dzn:26:5: error: port `p' of type `ihello' not

11.12.6 instance in in a cyclic binding

We can define communication “direction” for bindings as follows:

  • For two component instances communicating: the requires port directs to the provides port in the binding.
  • For port forwarding (an external port is forwarded to a component instance port) or vice versa: A provides external port directs to a component instance provides port, and a component instance requires directs to a requires external port.

To prevent component re-entrancy and guarantee run-to-completion semantics, cycles in ’directed’ communication are not allowed within a system component.

In the most trivial example, which creates a one-component cycle:

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
  behavior {on hello:{}}

component hello
  provides ihello p;
  requires ihello r;
  behavior {}

component binding_cycle
    hello h;
    h.p <=> h.r;

This results in the following error messages:

binding-cycle.dzn:18:5: error: instance `h' is in a cyclic binding

A more elaborate example creates a cycle over three components:

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
  behavior {on hello:{}}

component hello
  provides ihello p;
  requires ihello r;
  behavior {}

component world
  provides ihello p_left;
  provides ihello p_right;
  requires ihello r_left;
  requires ihello r_right;
  behavior {}

component binding_cycle
  provides ihello p_left;
  provides ihello p_right;
  requires ihello r_left;
  requires ihello r_right;
    hello h1;
    hello h2;
    world w1;
    world w2;

    p_left <=> w1.p_left;
    p_right <=> w2.p_left;

    w1.r_left <=> h1.p;
    w1.r_right <=> h2.p;

    w2.r_left <=> w1.p_right;
    w2.r_right <=> r_right;

    h1.r <=> r_left;
    h2.r <=> w2.p_right;

This results in the following error message:

binding-cycle-elaborate.dzn:32:5: error: instance `h2' is in a cyclic
binding-cycle-elaborate.dzn:33:5: error: instance `w1' is in a cyclic
binding-cycle-elaborate.dzn:34:5: error: instance `w2' is in a cyclic

11.12.7 Cannot bind wildcard to requires port

Since injected ports are always requires ports and a wildcard is used to bind such a port, the other side of a wildcard binding must be a provides port. In this example:

interface ihello
  in void hello ();
  behavior {on hello:{}}

component hello
  requires injected ihello r;

component logger
  requires ihello r;

component binding_wildcard_requires
    hello h;
    logger log;

    log.r <=> *;

This results in the following error message:

binding-wildcard-requires.dzn:24:5: error: cannot bind wildcard to
    requires port `r'
binding-wildcard-requires.dzn:14:3: info: port `r' defined here

11.12.8 System composition is recursive

A system may instantiate an arbitrary set of components, which in turn can be systems themselves. It is not allowed to have a self-instance neither directly nor indirectly, since that would lead to an infinite tree of components.

In the example below five systems are defined that have mutual instances. System c1 instantiates c3, which instantiates c4, which instantiates c1.

component c1 {
  system {
    c2 ci2;
    c3 ci3;

component c2 {
  system {
    c5 ci5;

component c3 {
  system {
    c4 ci4;
    c2 ci2;

component c4 {
  system {
    c1 ci1;

component c5 {
  system { } // an empty system

This results in the following error messages:

recursive-system.dzn:1:1: error: system composition of `c1' is recursive
recursive-system.dzn:14:1: error: system composition of `c3' is
recursive-system.dzn:21:1: error: system composition of `c4' is

11.12.9 Cannot bind external port to non-external port

There is a restriction in the binding of external ports: when an external requires port of a system Component is bound, the other side of the binding must be an external requires port also (this is only possible when that is a port of a sub Component). In the example below some errors are reported.

interface i {
  in void e ();
  behavior {
    on e: {}

component c1 {
  provides i p;
  requires external i r1;
  requires external i r2;
  behavior {
    on p.e (): {}

component c2 {
  provides i p;
  behavior {
    on p.e (): {}

component s1 {
  provides i p;
  requires i r;
  system {
    c1 ci1;
    c2 ci2;
    p <=> ci1.p;
    ci1.r1 <=> r;
    ci1.r2 <=> ci2.p;

component s2 {
  provides i p1;
  provides i p2;
  requires external i r1;
  requires external i r2;
  system {
    s1 si1;
    p1 <=> si1.p;
    p2 <=> r2;
    r1 <=> si1.r;

This results in the following error message:

binding-mismatch-external.dzn:45:5: error: cannot bind non-external port
    `r' to external port `r1'
binding-mismatch-external.dzn:26:3: info: port `r' defined here
binding-mismatch-external.dzn:39:3: info: port `r1' defined here

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12 Contributing

This project is a cooperative effort, and we need your help to make it grow! Please get in touch with us on and #dezyne on the Libera Chat IRC network. We welcome ideas, bug reports (please send your bug reports to, patches, and anything that may be helpful to the project.

Note: bug reports contain at least descriptions of:

  1. Steps to reproduce the bug
  2. What you expected to see
  3. What you actually saw

You can help us by increasing the signal to noise ratio in your communication including your bug reports.

Before sending your bug report, please check if you found an already known problem first at dezyne bugs at gitlab.

12.1 Building from Git

If you want to hack Dezyne yourself, it is recommended to use the latest version from the Git repository:

git clone git://

To setup a development environment, we use GNU Guix (see The GNU Guix Manual); run

guix shell

If you are unable to use Guix when building Dezyne from a Git checkout, the following are the required packages in addition to those mentioned in the installation instructions (see Requirements).

Run ./ to generate the build system infrastructure using Autoconf and Automake.

Then, run ./configure and make as usual.

12.2 Running Dezyne Before It Is Installed

After making changes you will want to test them. To that end, all the command-line tools can be used even if you have not run make install. To do that, you first need to have an environment with all the dependencies available (see Building from Git), and then simply prefix each command with ./pre-inst-env. As an example, here is how you would verify the trivial the hello test:

$ ./pre-inst-env dzn -v verify test/all/hello/hello.dzn

See the file HACKING for some developer tips and tricks.

12.3 The Perfect Setup

The Perfect Setup to hack on Dezyne is basically the perfect setup used for GNU Guile hacking (see Using Guile in Emacs in GNU Guile Reference Manual). To work on real-life Dezyne projects, you need more than an editor: you need an IDE, see the Verum-Dezyne Manual.

GNU Emacs

To edit .DZN files, use emacs/dzn-mode.el.



12.4 Coding Style

In general our code follows the GNU Coding Standards (see GNU Coding Standards)15. However, they do not say much about Scheme, so here are some additional rules.

12.4.1 Programming Paradigm

Scheme code in Dezyne is written in a purely functional style. One exception is code that involves input/output, and procedures that implement low-level concepts, such as memoization.

12.4.2 Data Types and Pattern Matching

The tendency in classical Lisp is to use lists to represent everything, and then to browse them “by hand” using car, cdr, cadr, and co. There are several problems with that style, notably the fact that it is hard to read, error-prone, and a hindrance to proper type error reports.

Dezyne code should define appropriate data types (AST or GOOPS classes, or using define-immutable-record-type) rather than abuse lists. In addition, it should use pattern matching, via Guile’s (ice-9 match) module, especially when matching lists (see Pattern Matching in GNU Guile Reference Manual).

12.4.3 Formatting Code

When writing Scheme code, we follow common wisdom among Scheme programmers. In general, we follow the Riastradh’s Lisp Style Rules. This document happens to describe the conventions mostly used in Guile’s code too. It is very thoughtful and well written, so please do read it.

In addition, Dezyne uses the following formatting for if

(if test? trivial-case

If you do not use Emacs, please make sure to let your editor knows the proper indentation rules, or use the build-aux/indent.scm script to fix the indentation.

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12.5 Submitting Patches

Development is done using the Git distributed version control system. Thus, access to the repository is not strictly necessary. We welcome contributions in the form of patches as produced by git format-patch sent to the mailing list (see Submitting patches to a project in Git User Manual).

Please write commit logs in the ChangeLog format (see Change Logs in GNU Coding Standards); you can check the commit history for examples.

Concept Index

Jump to:   A   B   C   D   E   F   I   L   M   N   P   R   S   T   U   W  
Index Entry  Section

Aldebaran: Invoking dzn graph
Aldebaran: Invoking dzn lts
Aldebaran: Invoking dzn traces
Aldebaran: Invoking dzn verify

blocking: Blocking
blocking semantics: Indirect blocking out event
bool type: Bool
bool-expression: Expressions
boolean-expression: Expressions

c++: Integrating C++ Code
code generation: Invoking dzn code
coding style: Formatting Code
counter example: Verification Counter Examples

data type: Extern Data Type
data-expression: Extern Data Type
defer: Component Defer
Dezyne runtime library: Conditions for Using Dezyne

empty statement: Empty Statement
enum type: Enum
enum-expression: Expressions
event: Interfaces
event trace: Verification Counter Examples
event trace: Interpreting Verification Errors
executable program: Invoking dzn code
extern: Extern Data Type
external: External
external semantics: External multiple out events

false: Bool
file import: Dezyne Files
formatting code: Formatting Code
formatting, of code: Formatting Code

import: Dezyne Files
indentation, of code: Formatting Code
injection: Injection
injection: Using Injection
injection, c++: Integrating C++ Code
installing Dezyne: Installation
int-expression: Expressions
integer type: Subint
integer-expression: Expressions
interface: Interfaces

labeled transition system: Invoking dzn lts
license of generated code: Conditions for Using Dezyne
lts: Invoking dzn graph
lts: Invoking dzn lts
lts: Invoking dzn traces
lts: Invoking dzn verify

message: Interfaces
modifying the Dezyne runtime: Conditions for Using Dezyne

namespace: Namespaces
non-determinism: Verification Checks and Errors
non-free software: Conditions for Using Dezyne

parser: Lexical Analysis
parsing: Lexical Analysis
PEG: Lexical Analysis
port: Ports
provides: Ports

requires: Ports

scoping: Namespaces
skip: Empty Statement
subint type: Subint

true: Bool

unobservable non-determinism: Verification Checks and Errors

website: Requirements

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Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.3, 3 November 2008
Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

    The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document free in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

    This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.

    We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


    This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The “Document”, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as “you”. You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law.

    A “Modified Version” of the Document means any work containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language.

    A “Secondary Section” is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document’s overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them.

    The “Invariant Sections” are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.

    The “Cover Texts” are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.

    A “Transparent” copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, that is suitable for revising the document straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text. A copy that is not “Transparent” is called “Opaque”.

    Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for human modification. Examples of transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG. Opaque formats include proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally available, and the machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word processors for output purposes only.

    The “Title Page” means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, “Title Page” means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work’s title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.

    The “publisher” means any person or entity that distributes copies of the Document to the public.

    A section “Entitled XYZ” means a named subunit of the Document whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, “Endorsements”, or “History”.) To “Preserve the Title” of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a section “Entitled XYZ” according to this definition.

    The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has no effect on the meaning of this License.


    You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.

    You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies.


    If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the Document’s license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects.

    If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.

    If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from which the general network-using public has access to download using public-standard network protocols a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public.

    It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.


    You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

    1. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
    2. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement.
    3. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher.
    4. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
    5. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices.
    6. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
    7. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document’s license notice.
    8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
    9. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled “History” in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.
    10. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the “History” section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
    11. For any section Entitled “Acknowledgements” or “Dedications”, Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.
    12. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
    13. Delete any section Entitled “Endorsements”. Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version.
    14. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled “Endorsements” or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
    15. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

    If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version’s license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

    You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

    You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

    The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


    You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

    The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

    In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled “History” in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled “History”; likewise combine any sections Entitled “Acknowledgements”, and any sections Entitled “Dedications”. You must delete all sections Entitled “Endorsements.”


    You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

    You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


    A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation’s users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

    If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document’s Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate.


    Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

    If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, or “History”, the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title.


    You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.

    However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.

    Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.

    Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of the same material does not give you any rights to use it.


    The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See

    Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this License can be used, that proxy’s public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Document.


    “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site” (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.

    “CC-BY-SA” means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco, California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license published by that same organization.

    “Incorporate” means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in part, as part of another Document.

    An MMC is “eligible for relicensing” if it is licensed under this License, and if all works that were first published under this License somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.

    The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.

ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:

  Copyright (C)  year  your name.
  Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
  under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
  or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
  with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
  Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
  Free Documentation License''.

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “with…Texts.” line with this:

    with the Invariant Sections being list their titles, with
    the Front-Cover Texts being list, and with the Back-Cover Texts
    being list.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.



Lehman Laws of Software Evolution


preferably microkernel based or at least distributed, the GNU Hurd anyone?


the caller does not resolve the choice between the two cruel triggers, this is decided by the implementation


the algorithm produces [traces that cover every transition and every state


A simplified state diagram shows only triggers on state transitions and hides any actions or reply values. Also, the state of the ports or even all extended state can be removed. For this diagram, the command dzn graph --backend=state --hide=actions --remove=extended test/all/Camera/Camera.dzn was used.


Verification of systems and of functional properties are under development


This is not unlike languages that use static type analysis and checking (such as C++ and Haskell) versus languages that check types at runtime


A foreign component is a component without behavior in Dezyne.


skel is short for skeleton.


The dzn language command (See Invoking dzn language) works on this raw parse-tree.


The compositional property of the Dezyne component-based programming paradigm guarantees that the verification of a system component model amounts to the verification of all its interface models and behavioral component models.


Structural: events and their direction in an interface, ports on a component, components in a system, bindings between the ports; behavioral: guarded triggers performing actions | assignments | if-else | functions


This may change when Dezyne gains support for hierarchical behaviors, a.k.a. submachines.


the subint definition allows range checking and prevents accidental unboundedness during model checking


A notable exception is the c++ runtime and handwritten code