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10.6 Systems

A system component, or system is a component which is composed from one or more sub components. The system block instantiates each of the sub components and either connects their ports together or exposes them as its own, such that all ports are bound.

system-component ::= "component" "{" port* system "}"
system           ::= "system" "{" system-statement* "}"
system-statement ::= (instance | binding)
instance         ::= component-name identifier ";"
binding          ::= end-point "<=>" end-point ";"
end-point        ::= port-name
                     | wildcard
                     | (instance-name "." port-name)
                     | (instance-name "." wildcard)
wildcard         ::= "*"

Note: A binding can have only one wildcard, See Using Injection.

For example:

interface i
  in void event();
  behavior {}

component c
  provides i pp;
  requires i rr;

component top_middle_bottom
  provides i p;
  requires i r;
    c top;
    c middle;
    c bottom;
    p <=> top.pp;
    top.rr <=> middle.pp;
    middle.rr <=> bottom.pp;
    bottom.rr <=> r;

The system description shows the instantiation of the two component instances ci1 and ic2 and two connections or bindings between ports.