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5.10 Multiple provides

For the remainder of this chapter in our explanations we will be using the following two interfaces:

  1. ihello
    interface ihello
      in void hello();
        on hello: {}
  2. iworld
    interface iworld
      in void hello();
      out void world();
        bool idle = true;
        [idle] on hello: idle = false;
        [!idle] on inevitable: {idle = true; world;}

So far we have seen examples with more than one requires port. This topology leads to a tree like hierarchy which is a common structure to organize or coordinate in a top down fashion. In the case of sharing a single resource between multiple parties we need the opposite. The example below demonstrates to use of two provides ports.

import ihello.dzn;

component multiple_provides
  provides ihello left;
  provides ihello right;
  requires ihello hello;
    on left.hello(): hello.hello();
    on right.hello(): hello.hello();

This component simply multiplexes the hello events from its provides ports to its requires port, resulting in the following event sequence trace:


If we replace the ihello interface in our previous example with the iworld interface and correct for the behavioral changes, we get the following component:

import iworld.dzn;

component async_multiple_provides
  provides iworld left;
  provides iworld right;
  requires iworld world;

    enum Side {None, Left, Right};
    Side side = Side.None;
    Side pending = Side.None;

      on left.hello(): {side = Side.Left; world.hello();}
      on right.hello(): {side = Side.Right; world.hello();}
        on right.hello(): pending = Side.Right;
        on {side = Side.None;;}
      [pending.Right] on
        side = pending; pending = Side.None;; world.hello();
        on left.hello(): pending = Side.Left;
        on {side = Side.None;;}
      [pending.Left] on
        side = pending; pending = Side.None;; world.hello();

As we can see from the behavior and the event sequence trace below, asynchonous behavior leads to event interleaving, which requires state to manage the behavior.


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