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10.2 Dezyne Files

Dezyne types, interfaces, and components are organized in files. A file, with extension ’.dzn’ by convention, may contain zero or more of type definitions, interfaces, and/or components.

The toplevel Dezyne program text is defined as follows:

text ::= root
root ::= (import | data-expression
           | namespace | type | interface | component)*

An interface can refer to a global type definition. A component can refer to types, interfaces and other components. An explicit import clause is needed when the referred information is defined in another file.

10.2.1 Import

An import clause makes available all types, interfaces and components that are defined in another file. From an imported interface or component the ’public’ parts are available, i.e., all information but the interface or component behavior, or the component system details.

import    ::= "import" (file-name "/")* file-name ";"
file-name ::= [a-zA-Z0-9_+.-]+

Note: That by convention the basename of the Dezyne file-name is used as the target language basename, however the target platform may impose further restrictions on a file-name.

By convention, Dezyne files use the extension .dzn. Some examples:

import file-name.dzn;
import ../global-types.dzn;
import some/directory/prefix/library.dzn;

An imported file may contain imports itself, these are also imported. When a file occurs twice in the resulting set of imports, it is expanded only once. This avoids introducing duplicate definitions. Mutually recursive imports are allowed (See Invoking dzn parse).