Previous: , Up: Specifying Events   [Contents][Index] Event Examples An interface with three void events (and a simple behaviour)

The following interface has three events defined: two in events and one out event.

The direction is as seen from the component implementing this interface.

interface IMotion
  in void start();
  in void stop();
  out void ready();
    on start, stop: {}
} An interface with an enum type event

This interface has three events defined: two incoming events and one outgoing event. One of the incoming events is of an enum type, that is defined in the first line of the interface declaration.

interface iSimpleProtocol
  enum Result {Ok, Failed, Error};
  in Result connect();
  in Result disconnect();
    on connect: reply(Result.Ok);    // Action = set return value to 'Result.Ok'
    on disconnect: reply(Result.Ok); // Action = set return value to 'Result.Ok'

See also: